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She knew this day was coming. Truly she did, but that didn't mean she had to be prepared for it.

Well, she was prepared, but even still, she was caught off guard.

It had been weeks since her son, Washington D.C., had been exposed and he had been forced to tell part of the truth, as the burn scars he possessed on his skin did not match America in any way, shape, or form. Now, because the hotels in New York were overcrowded, and not to mention their bosses wanted the nations to connect with one another, the nations would be staying in her family gathering home. And, like them, America was not looking forward to it, but she didn't question her boss, knowing the man was only trying to ease at least some tension around the world.

She couldn't bring herself to blame her boss, no matter how fruitless this seemed.

However, that didn't mean she had to like playing the host to the ones who discriminated her because of their own faults (how pathetic can they possibly get?), even if she was only going to be acting as her usual goofy and egotistical male version of herself.

Luckily, as soon as the nations arrived, they never once mentioned nor seemed to remember Daniel, but America wasn't about to get her hopes up.

It was supposed to be easy, but then again the gods seemed to be angry with her that day, because while she was busy cooking, she heard her older brother, Mexico, invite himself into the house. When he came within eye-shot (without anyone seeing America of course), America saw his brown eyes were as wide as plates, his tan skin replaced by a sickly pale, and his entire posture screamed shock and disbelief.

America found herself biting her lip in worry. What did Mexico find out?

Spain approached his former charge, his face full of concern. "Amigo?" he asked, placing a hand on Mexico's shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Then, as if realizing he was there, Mexico stared up at Spain, not saying anything for a moment, before he said, "I'm a padre..."

Then he fell backwards into the door he was in front of, breaking and taking it with him as he plunged into unconsciousness. Back in the kitchen, America was pale herself.

Oh did he find out?

Well, now her secret was about to discovered in the worst way possible.

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Where stories live. Discover now