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Turned out she jinxed herself.

"America, I need to ask you a question." It was England. Of course he would.

America forced herself to not choke on the cereal she was in the process of eating, and making sure her outer mask would keep her covered, she turned to her former caretaker, all while thinking, Fuck my life.

"Sure dude, what 'cha need?"

Looking at him, America realized that England looked paler than usual and, not only that, but his eyes were wide, like he saw something truly horrific.

Could it be...? Oh Hell no!

"You okay Iggy?"

That seemed to snap England out of his stupor, because he glared at her. "I told you not to call me that you git! Anyway, when was there a female living with you?"

America stared at him, truly confused. "I don't know what you're trying to tell me dude."

"Don't play dumb! There was a bloody woman in my room!"


Oh, so he meant her.

"Yes! Do you understand, or do I have to spell it out for you like we always do? Bloody Hell, I don't know why I bother."

America didn't know either.

Suddenly the room's temperature plunged to what felt like a below zero. Along with that sudden plunge, came the overwhelming sense of anger and hostility, as well as the overwhelming smell of gunpowder and blood, and it wasn't coming from either of the two present nations. Oh no, not now...

England shivered. "What are you hiding you bloody fool?!" he demanded after seeing America's horrified expression.

America didn't answer, staring at the doorway where he was standing.

England followed her eyes, seeing an angry man right in front of him, just inches from his face. He stifled a gasp of shock, instead staring into the man's eyes.

The man's eyes were either bloodshot or nonexistent, his skin was ripped and showing off the muscle and raw tissue underneath, and his red, white, and blue soldier uniform was ripped and bloodstained in various places. He was also growling at England, an inhumane growl that sent even more shivers up the older nation's spine.

"W-Who are...you?" he stammered in fear, receiving no response, except for the man baring his bloodstained teeth. America covered her ears.

Then the man screeched, the entire room shaking in the process, and England fell to the floor, crawling as far away from the man as he could, fear apparent in his eyes.

America stood up. "That's enough Edward!" She knew she was giving herself away again, but this had to stop before something, or someone in this case, could be destroyed.

The man, Edward, snapped his head to her, clearly unhappy that she had interrupted. She glared back at him with warning, the both of them knowing who had the upper hand out of the two of them. Finally, Edward scoffed and disappeared without another noise, and America looked to England.

Clearly he was too shaken up to know that she had sent Edward away, and hopefully that was the case. As quickly as she could, America left the scene, knowing the old man would recover soon enough. When he did, he would seek her out and demand answers.

That was fucking perfect. Just what she needed right now.

First things first though, she needed to find them, and Edward while she was at it, before they could do anymore damage than was necessary.


The questions England wanted to question America about before had slipped his mind after he witnessed something in his room when he moved to go back to bed. It was a woman, a woman wearing what appeared to be a 1970's gown, and not only that, but she was heavily pregnant. She was sobbing uncontrollably, walking around absentmindedly, and even when England called out to her, she would never reply.

Why did America have a pregnant woman in his house? Unless...

He thought immediately that the woman was carrying his child, and wanted to ask his former colony about that, but then something else came up, something he never thought would happen.

The new man he saw was definitely an American Revolutionary soldier, especially one who has long since passed away; there was no denying that uniform, the uniform America wore when he first declared his independence and defeated England, and the hatred in the man's eyes was beyond words.

Then, just when he blinked, both the badly mauled soldier and America were gone.

That bloody git! He was hiding more than one thing around here, and England was going to find out what it was, or die trying!

First, he needed to get the others involved. More sets of eyes were better than one after all.

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Where stories live. Discover now