Dangerous Games

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Once the trays were set, the nations barged ungracefully into the dining hall, where America and Alaska were waiting. Alaska took the time to cut into her salmon, clearly ignoring the nations as best she could even though their eyes were on her. America sincerely hoped her youngest daughter did not actually place something unhealthy in their food.

America was busy stirring her black coffee when she said, "Are you going to stand there all day, or are you actually going to eat?"

The nations were at their stations quicker than a normal human could see.

After a tense silence and the clinking of forks and spoons, China asked, "Who is this aru?"

Alaska glanced up, revealing her lilac eyes. Russia's lilac eyes. However, there was a few startling differences, such as her shorter height, her being a female with light blonde hair—which was nothing like Russia's silver-like hair--, and she wasn't smiling as a dark aura surrounded her.

There was pure malice and contempt in that aura, and her unnerving stare did nothing to help matters. However, her glare intensified when her eyes landed on Canada, England, and all those who enjoyed placing their problems on America. However, her eyes seemed to soften a little when they landed on Japan, but it was gone before the others could comprehend it.

Speaking of America, if she was noticing the dark aura around the girl, she paid no attention to it in favor of her lunch. Like at breakfast, she ate with a polite elegance that no one would think she would be capable of.

In response to China's question, Alaska looked to her mother, who lightly shrugged. There was no point in trying to hide now, now that Japan knew about the states and Canada heard Alaska's name and her referring America as "Mama".

"I am Alaska," Alaska answered, and as soon as she did, chaos erupted.

"ALASKA?!" China screeched, making only America and Alaska flinch from the noise. Good gods it was like China took his nails and ran them across a chalkboard. "Impossible! How could your states be personified aru?!"

"Um...China-san?" Japan had recently recovered from his fainting episode, especially after the lunch bell rung.

"Who?!" This time it was Canada would yelled, where all traces of guilt where once more replaced with hostility.

"I'm not sure what you mean Mr. Williams," America uttered, pretending to be clueless. This clearly served to enrage her "brother" more.

"Who are the fathers?!"

America looked at Canada like he was the stupid one, which in more ways than one, he was. "I don't have to answer you," she replied coldly. "In fact, why should I?"

Many of the nations were offended, and unafraid of voicing them.


"How dare you!"

"Jou little harlot!"

At the last part, the nation who said that, who happened to be Prussia, found himself being smashed to the ground with a shovel. His attacker was Alaska, who looked more like a demon than ever before.

"Say it again, da?" she ordered, her voice low and threatening. "Call my mama a harlot again. I dare you to say it."

Prussia remained silent, either in too much pain or too afraid, America didn't care to find out.

"The reason's simple actually," she began, taking a sip of her coffee. "Why should I reveal the truth to the ones who make it a habit to deny the truth?"

That shut everyone up, thankfully.

"Like I've said before, you have given me more than one reason to not give a fuck about any of you, well except for a select few, but sadly for you, you're not one of them. Except Japan though." America sent a quick smile to Japan before becoming apathetic towards the others. "So, it should be pretty obvious to you of why I refuse to answer your questions.

"Also, if you expect me to do the same of you in the future, consider that a disappointment, for that will never happen. Oh, and Russia? Whatever's on that mind of yours, speak it and let's get it over with."

The taller nation, who was sitting at the head of the table, also had his infamous dark aura around him as well, and smiling sadistically. America stared right back, unaffected. "Why didn't you tell me I had a daughter da?" he asked.

America's eyes narrowed, once again thinking Russia was an idiot. "Why do you think Mr. Braginski?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Since you're clueless I'll spell it out for you. One: knowing you, you would try to force Alaska to become "one" with you again; two: you would not be able to shut up about it; and three: it would cause possible wars neither of us have the money for."

Russia's smile became strained and his aura intensified, causing any nation near him to scoot away in pure fear.

"You play a dangerous game Amerika," he said, his hand now holding his pipe.

"I have already been playing dangerous games for as long as I can remember Russia, and I'm afraid, unfortunately for you, that it has not changed a bit. Do not take me for a fool, for I'm nothing like you."

Russia stood up so fast that his chair flew back, crashing loudly against the hardwood floors. A few nations quietly screamed, Italy being among them. "Just what are you playing at Amerika?"

America raised an eyebrow. "What am I playing at, huh? I'm not playing any games at all right now, but if it makes it fair to you, we could be playing a game of 20 questions or even Cat and Mouse. However, the question is here, who is the cat and who is the mouse?"

The nations looked between the two arguing nations, not wanting to participate but at the same time unsure of whose side to take. America truly appeared at ease with the angered Russia, and even worse, she was pushing the wrong buttons! Was she truly asking to die?

Speaking of Russia, the tall nation continued to smile innocently, though there was a malicious intent under it. "I should really smash you to pieces Amerika."

"I'd like to see you try Mr. Braginski. Also, have you forgotten my second rule? If you fight in my house, I will sacrifice you to my housemates, and believe me Russia, they aren't exactly fond of you."

Russia wavered, but only a little. "Well, you never said about outside."

"Hmm," America thought. "Now that you mention it, I didn't. However, sadly for you Russia, that does not change anything. I know what you're after, so sorry to disappoint you, but I'm in no mood to give you candy."

Yup, America was asking to die.

"Foolish capitalist," Russia mused.

"And you are just as foolish," America shot back, finishing her plate of chicken. "Now, do us all a favor and sit back down Mr. Braginski. I'd be very upset about you wasting your food."

Russia appeared ready to say something else, when the shovel from earlier forced him back into his seat. Alaska was very strong, but was more than capable of forcing her father back into his seat. She glared at him with just as much contempt.

After making sure the taller nation would not be a problem, a satisfied Alaska went back to her seat beside her mother, and continued to eat her meal like nothing happened. America did the same, and slowly, so did the others.

Dinner and dessert were going to be just as tense, especially with Russia's daughter here. Wait...

As certain nations thought about it, did they have their own children with America? Could they meet them?

"Oh, and before I forget, the meeting will take place tomorrow, and a couple of the states will be attending. So if I were you I'd get ready for some chaos."

Or not.

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