She Doesn't Hate You

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Life seemed to be against the nations these days, and today was no different.

First, they had to learn that America was actually a woman, then that she was so different from the America they had grown accustomed to, and now this.

America is a mother, and those girls were only a few of her children. Of course, they already knew that, especially since Alaska showed herself, but now that she said it at the meeting, it was still a shocker.

Now, they were thinking this sudden question: Why?

Why did America trust the Nordics, the Baltics, and even Mexico more than them? Weren't they supposed to be allies (her family in some certain nations' cases), or even her friends? Or did she never think that, and just used their feelings to her advantage?

The way the girls acted with them wasn't downright hate like Alaska's, but there was still the unwillingness to even trust them. Like their mother, they were acting polite towards them, but there was that cold indifference their mother possessed that always showed itself when they tried to push America.

"You do rearize that's arr you have been doing arr this time, correct?" Japan, who had retained his calm and apathetic outlook since lunch started, had been quiet all this time. Whenever one of the nations tried to question him, he would brush them off and continue to eat without a care. Though, they hadn't noticed he had been observing them.

True, while the island nation appeared to not care about what's going on in the world, Japan was very observant. That was how he knew of how low America was held in regard to the nations, and that alone was what made them all blind from the very beginning. For the longest time, Japan had never felt more ashamed to call himself a fellow nation.

He was also pretty sure this was what America was feeling too. He wouldn't blame her if that was the case.

Upon hearing his voice, the nations turned to him, confusion and even offense written in their gazes. Japan just calmly sipped his tea in response.

"What do you mean aru?" China demanded, clearly wanting to slam his cup of tea onto the table. Japan felt his eyebrow twitch in irritation, feeling the beginnings of a headache forming. "Don't tell me you're taking her side!"

"And what if I am?" Japan dared.

"You think that we're blind, and don't deny it I could see it, but you're just covering up the fact that you are just as you are calling us!" China continued, now pointing to his former charge. "I thought I raised you better than that aru!"

At this, Japan darkly chuckled, soon glaring up at the stunned China. "You sound just rike Engrand China-san," he began, setting down his cup, never taking his eyes off the older nation. "If I didn't know any better, I wourd think you enjoy tormenting others."

China's face reddened. "T-Torment?! Me? How dare--"

"Oh? So the fact that you continue to rub your probrems, and redundantry if I might add, into America-san's face, is arright in your book? Why do you think she was putting up with you arr these years? It was arr so she courd keep you foored. For a nation of wisdom China-san, you act just rike a five-year-old chird. You arso seem to forget the importance of words too, and even farring for an unresorved issue."

"W-What's that aru?"


Just that word alone was enough to make the entire world stand still, and quite literally. Though, Japan knew this wouldn't stop the people before him--if he could dare call them that--from continuing to harass America in the near future. After all, old habits died hard, and perhaps they will too soon after.

"Jou are really calm about zhis Japan," Germany stated, keeping his eyes on the island nation. "Vhy is zhat?"

"It's because I'm not worried," Japan replied.


"Why what?"

"Vhy vould jou do zhat? Vhat are jou hoping to gain from Amerika?"

"I have nothing to gain," Japan responded again, wishing the buffer nation would leave things at that. Unfortunately, he did not.

"Zhen vhy?!"

"I don't have to terr you anything Germany-san," Japan said coldly, now glaring at Germany. In his gaze, he was daring Germany to push on, and likely get the both of them in trouble. Compared to the true America, the nations were like disobedient teenagers, and America was not going to let anything like their temper tantrums occur in her house.

Thankfully, Germany said no other word, and even throughout the entire lunch period.

Besides, he would find out soon enough.


Later, Japan tried to seek out America, but Alaska and New Mexico stopped him.

"Mama's really tired," Alaska explained. "It's best if you leave her be for now da?"

For some odd reason, the island nation felt at ease with the girl despite the fact that she was Russia's daughter and had almost all of his characteristics.

For a moment more, Alaska's eyes scanned over him, before looking him in the eyes again. "You really look like Kyleen."

Japan thought that too.

"Um, Miss Araska, what is Kyreen like?" He didn't know why he asked that, but something told him he had to know. Besides, now that he knows that he has a child, it would make sense that he would want to know about her.

Either way, Alaska didn't seem surprised that he asked. "She's very shy when you first meet her, so don't take her greeting the wrong way when she arrives, but naturally she is very energetic and fun-loving."

And why did his mouth refuse to stop moving? "Does she..." Japan gulped. "Does she hate me?"

Alaska genuinely looked confused. "Why would she hate you?"

"For Pearu Harbor."

Alaska said nothing, but when Japan did receive a response, it instead came from New Mexico, who had been watching the exchange between them silently. "She doesn't hate you amigo. If she did, don't you think she would do everything in her power to not come here?"

Japan did not respond to that.

"I understand that you're scared; in fact Hawaii is nervous to death about what you're like, and, like her, you seem to be the type of person who doesn't believe something unless you see it for yourself. I promise you though that she will not treat you like you're the plague."

Japan didn't know whether to feel relieved or even more reluctant.

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