The World Meeting

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The next day, America woke up to get ready for the meeting that was going to be scheduled at seven a.m. At least now she doesn't have to worry about putting up a male facade, but that wasn't what worried her so. It was the fact that the nations were going to be meeting her children, all of them in fact, and the other nations were going to be attending as well.

She was not looking forward to this. In fact, there was never a meeting she looked forward to at all.

By the time she got breakfast started, Alaska was already up and helping out, and soon after England and a few other nations joined her in the dining hall, like Germany and Japan. Speaking of the German representative, he had not said one word to America after learning of her true gender, and to top it all off, he seemed reluctant to even go near her.

Although America had no problem with the buffer man, that didn't mean he wasn't guilt-free. For a man of military strategy and observance, he was as much of a fool as so many others, never bothering to look underneath the underneath or even try to understand how America became a superpower to begin with.

Such a waste.

Once breakfast was ready, the bell rung, and once again more screeches of surprise and curses came upstairs, and America worked to get the trays in the room just as the nations stumbled in. Most of those who had been sleeping when the bell rung didn't bother to take the time to get ready.

Oh well.

"Hurry up and eat," America commanded. "We have a long day today."

Luckily, the nations did as they were told, eating without a complaint. After they finished, America stood up. "One more thing. For those of you who are known to constantly fight at every world meeting, let me warn you that at my meetings, you will be removed from the entire building immediately if you show even the slightest sign of hostility. Once again, I don't give a shit about your reasons, so keep that in mind."

"And if we-a don't?" Romano dared to ask, glaring at America, while next to him Italy whimpered, "F-Fratello!"

America raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you've become deaf as well," she said.

Romano clenched his teeth, but didn't answer.

"Well, I have a better idea of making sure you never return to the world meeting in my country," America stated, and her demonic glare sent huge shivers of pure fear up the nations' spines, including Romano's.

"W-What is-a that?" he asked.

"By doing this." With that, faster than the nations could blink, America grabbed Romano by the collar and dragged him upstairs to the roof, where she then proceeded to hang him over the edge by his ankle. Romano cried out, now fearful for his life.

"Oh don't worry Mr. Vargas, I'm not going to drop you," America maliciously soothed. "However, if you continue to make a fuss like a five-year-old child at the world meeting, then you will fall from the rooftop of the building. After that, I won't care what happens to you. Are we clear?"

Fearful for his life, Romano nodded vigorously, praying to whatever deity that watched over the nations that this crazy woman would not drop him.

Thankfully she didn't, but the threat was still there, especially when they returned to the dining hall to see that Alaska girl smiling cruelly at Romano, so much like her father and yet so different.

"Well, get yourselves ready everyone," America announced. "Breakfast is over, and we need to start heading over to the world meeting. So get a move on!"


The limousine ride was deathly quiet, not that America was complaining. In fact, it was nice to know that the stupid nations were taking her threat very seriously. It would be foolish of them to test her with their lives on the line.

When they arrived, the other nations that were there stopped whatever they were doing and stared as America gracefully walked with Alaska behind her towards the board in the meeting room. Already she heard the mocking voices of the ones who didn't know, thinking that "America" was out stuffing himself again.

America ignored it all as she worked to begin her presentation. Today they were going to be discussing how to help with the physical pollution around the world, and America had an idea of how they can prevent this, though it might be costly.

Once the majority arrived, they watched quietly as America finished bringing up her presentation.

On the screen, America was presenting the option of litter patrolling and management, where this would not only be able to keep many areas of the world clean, but also give people jobs. However, because of the major population, this would be considered a problem, unless they did something about the fertility rates.

"Unfortunately not very many countries have passed fertility laws, and I'm hoping to get started on that sometime to help with the economy. Now, any questions, relating to the presentation?"

Luckily no one bothered asking nonsensical questions at the moment. "When do you suppose it's a good time to actually proceed with these laws?" India asked. "Do you understand that there will be riots?"

Leave it to India to point that out, though America knew he had every right to. His country, which was not only almost filled to the brim with people, but there was also much pollution in the area because of said people. It also didn't help that much of the male gender of the Indian population would demand more children until they were satisfied.

"I'm well aware of that," America replied. "In fact, there's never something where everyone agrees. This will not be one of them India."

India sighed. "Yes, of course not."

America was suspicious now, because India was one of the people who was not afraid of letting her know that he heavily disliked her. There was something he wanted to ask, and she had a good idea of what it was.

"Is something wrong India?" she asked. "You seem ready to explode."

And alas, that bomb did explode, and the Indian representative bolted from his chair. "There is something wrong!" he yelled. "Just who are you?!"

America raised an eyebrow. "I am America," she answered.

"No you're not!" the man denied. "For all we know you could be some employee of his, doing all his dirty work! Along with that girl!" He said the last part while pointing at Alaska, who stared back emotionlessly.

"Oh?" America raised an amused eyebrow. "Do you have any evidence sir? Physical evidence perhaps? I'm afraid your accusation makes no sense."

India looked like he just came out of a sauna. "You—"

"She's not lying," someone said, and, turning, America realized was Canada who said it.

Now America wondered what happened, especially when everyone seemed to remember the true identity of her "brother".

"This is the real America, the one who hid under the America we thought we knew, the one who has outsmarted us without us even knowing, and the America who is a mother."

As shocked eyes fell to her, America sighed. "I'm not going to bother denying it, so thank you for saving me the energy of telling them Canada. Now, he's right. You all were so easy to fool, and yes, I am a mother. A mother of 51 children."

A knock came at the door, and America glanced at it before smiling. "Ah, they're here." To the door, she said, "Come in!"

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin