The Nations' Day of Torture

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It had only been a few hours today and already England was losing his mind. And no it wasn't because France or other nations were driving him crazy, but the fact that America was berating them like untrained soldiers was going to make him lose his mind in a minute.

"Oh? And what's with the face Kirkland?" Speak of the devil and he (or she) shall appear, America was in front of him, a sadistic smirk on her face. She then knelt so she was at England's current height. "My oh my, are you getting tired already?" She frowned at this point. "Well, I don't think we need that, do you?"

Before England could answer, America was suddenly on her feet, glaring at him with so much force that he actually jumped a foot in the air. "Scrub harder you pussy!" America demanded in a voice that scared the nations nearby. "What do you think this is, break time? Wrong, and guess what? My children are doing a better job than you dumbasses are doing right now!"

Speaking of the current states, they were actually working hard at making sure the entire yard was spotless and perfect to the brim. And sure, while none of the nations were outright complaining, it was pretty clear in their body language, and apparently many of them thought that America would be the stupid America they thought they knew and were proven wrong when she easily detected that language.

And now, they were once more paying for it.

"And where exactly do you think you're going Vargas?" America asked in a deathly sweet voice, all without turning around.

Romano froze where he was standing, the empty bucket of soapy water almost soaking his pants with the little water that remained. Even when America turned to fully face him, he didn't answer.

"I'm waiting for an answer Vargas," America clarified. "Unless, of course, you're too much of a pussy to answer."

That remark seemed to snap Romano out of whatever spell he was in. "I-I was-a only going to-a get more-a water!"

America raised an eyebrow as she walked over to him and looked into his bucket. Seeing as he was right, she looked around him, then shrugged to herself.

"Well, hurry up then and get more soap and water. Oh, and before I forget, you have about 90 seconds to get back here, or the basement will be your next destination."

As Romano was too scared to even think about that, he was gone before America could even blink. She waited right where she was for the Italian representative to come back, counting down the seconds on her watch out loud.

Of course, this caused some nations to worry intensely for Romano, though, surprisingly, Spain appeared out of it today.

Earlier, after breakfast was served, three more states arrived late in the night. The first was clearly Spain's daughter, Mississippi--or Courtney Jones/Fernandez-Carriedo--, a girl with mid-back length brown hair held in a braid, farmer's overalls, sky blue eyes, and tan skin. The second--Oklahoma, or Ethan Jones/Bonnefoy--surprisingly was France's son, despite the fact that he was clearly a man of Native American descent.

Finally, it was the last state that made the other nations understand Japan's sudden silence this morning and why he looked mentally beaten up.

The girl was a person of Asian decent, with her black hair and eyes, but it was pretty easy to tell of who she was because of her clothing and accent alone. And looking between Japan and the state, it wasn't hard to figure out that this girl was Hawaii, or Kyleen Jones/Honda.

When hearing this, China fainted, and America had to drag him outside and pour cold water on him to revive him. Of course, China was about to yell at America when she glared at him in warning.

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