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America, or Princess Migisi however you looked at it, led Japan throughout the forest that appeared magically. Clearly she knew it by heart, as she never looked down and even still sidestepped a twig or a spiky plant. Japan was not so graceful, not that he was complaining.

America truly looked like a queen from what she was wearing and by her walk too. She clearly was one who also appreciated what the earth had to offer, as she was taking extreme caution in not stepping on any bugs or plants, and she didn't even slap at a fly, who seemed to understand her.

Every time they were pass a noisy area, that area would immediately fall silent like they were bowing to America, just before going back to their daily activities.

America continued to lead him through the forest until they came across a cliff that overlooked the rest of the forest. Immediately, Japan's breath was taken away.

The forest below and the sky above were a beautiful sight to behold, especially the sky. It was a light blue with dark blue clouds drifting through and covering the different colored stars above. There were light reds, light blues, light purples, light pink, light orange, and even light yellow and white.

It truly reminded Japan of the times before the Industrial Revolution.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" America asked, smiling at him.

Japan wordlessly nodded.

"No one else but the spirits, myself, and those I allow in can see this forest, and I often come here as much as I can, for time here is timeless and I don't have to worry about anything for a long time until I'm ready to face it. It truly is amazing what Mother Earth can give us."

After saying that, America continued on down the cliff, and Japan followed.

They continued to walk on until America stopped abruptly, and turned in another direction with a serious look in her eyes.

"What is it?" Japan asked.

"What is she doing here?" America asked herself, before she began walking again, this time in the different direction. Once more, Japan was close behind. Then, while walking, she appeared shocked, before she smiled. "Well, seems like she's saved me another headache, but I swear to the spirits that she and her siblings are going to be the death of me."

"They?" asked Japan.

"You'll see," was all America would give, so Japan said nothing else until they arrived at a clearing full of different trees.

The clearing was full of what appeared to be American dogwood trees, and, to Japan's alarm, there was a giant bear and eagle nearby, watching a female figure.

The figure was obviously female, and she was wearing a long dark green cloak and long white ancient dress. There were wooden bracelets around her left wrist and, although Japan couldn't see from this far away, she appeared to be wearing a silver necklace around her neck.

There was something familiar about the figure, but Japan couldn't wrap his finger around it.

The female was playing a silver flute and dancing all at once, clearly performing for the two enlarged animals, who were watching her intently. However, they soon spotted America and Japan and stood, their movement interrupting the performing girl, who also turned in their direction.

Japan's breath caught.

The girl possessed long, silky blonde hair and forest green eyes, traits the Asian nation only saw on a certain nation.

"Mother?" the girl asked in a British accent, hurrying over to America. Her hood fell back to allow more of her silky hair to flow out behind her during her rush, and America held open her arms for the girl to run in, which the girl didn't hesitate to do.

Did Japan hear her right by the way? Mother?

America smiled at the girl, but then her face turned scolding. "What are you doing here Evelyn, and how in the name of the spirits did you get in here?"

"You know how we're related to you by blood?" the girl, Evelyn, asked. "Well, I was able to use that to come here, just like I have in the past, but there's another reason I'm here."

The grim look on her face had America on high alert. "What's happened Evelyn?"

"It's Anastasia. Her nightmares are becoming worse, and now she's too scared to even sleep. Not even my music is helping her!" Evelyn truly looked distraught. "Mother, I didn't know what else to do, I had to come find you."

America placed a hand on Evelyn's cheek. "Dry your eyes dear, I'll head over there right this instant. Just be sure to get yourself home okay?"

Evelyn nodded. "Yes Mother." Then, she muttered something under her breath and she was gone, sparks of green being left behind in her wake.

Japan looked to America, who didn't give him a chance to open his mouth. "I'll explain everything later, but right now I need you to head back to the house."

"What is going on though?"

"I'll explain after I get back, now please, hurry back!"

Japan was about to tell her that he didn't know the way back, but then he found himself back at the entrance of the house, with America nowhere to be seen.

Refusing to question his (female) friend, Japan hurried back inside and to his room, determined to keep his mouth shut until America came back.

She had some explaining to do, especially why that female England look-alike called her Mother.

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Where stories live. Discover now