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I just had to update this!

America and the states had remained at the beach until sundown, and with a sleeping Hawaii on her back, they walked back to the mansion. It was surprisingly quiet, if you didn't count the crickets and other insects that came out at night. When America opened the door and allowed her children in before her, she was a little stunned to find that some of the nations were in the living room, saying nothing.

Hell, they weren't even looking at each other.

America looked to Maine, who was eyeing the nations like he wanted to take them to the nearest butcher shop and watch as they were skinned alive. "Take your sister to her room, okay?" she whispered.

Thankful for the distraction, Maine nodded, and proceeded to carry the sleeping Hawaii like she was a bride upstairs, and most of the states went with him.

"Is everything alright gentlemen?" America then called.

Said nations jumped almost impossibly ten feet in the air. Once they were back in the seats, they snapped their heads towards America, grasping their chests.

"Don't do that aru!" China snapped, glaring at her. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"I apologize," America replied nonchalantly. "However, let me ask you again; Is everything alright gentlemen?"

China looked to England and France, the former who still had that broken look to his eyes, and France who looked uncertain. Slowly, they nodded.

"I see. Well, I hope you made yourselves dinner, because we're going to need to retire early. Tomorrow is going to be a long day for you."

America then proceeded to go upstairs, ready to head to bed early. She could also tell that the nations had something to say to her, but from the looks of things, it was going to be over the same topic.

Just the thought of that made America want to fall asleep standing up.

Though, she was just glad she made it back to her room, took a shower, brushed her teeth, and dressed into one of her nightgowns before she joined the sleeping Alaska on the bed.

Sleep never came so easier.

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Where stories live. Discover now