Impending Doom

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After the meeting ended, with once again nothing being solved, America stayed behind with her daughters, the Nordics, the Baltics, Mexico, and Japan in the meeting room, unlike the other nations who returned to their hotels or to America's family house. She found herself trying to become as small as she could, because the intimidating stares on her were not helping her mood at all.

All while her daughters were doing what they pleased, and if they were aware of the atmosphere, they ignored it.

"So...what do want to know?" she asked lamely.

Finland's eyebrow twitched. "What do we want to know you ask?" he repeated slowly. "What do you think we want to know?!"

The others (saving Japan, who was trying to stay as non-involved in this as he could, and the girls, who still were minding their own business) glared down at America. America sighed in defeat.

"Okay, but you better sit down for this. It's going to be a long story."


Returning back to the house, America wished she can just go to bed and sleep the rest of the day away. Surprisingly the meeting with her brother, the Baltics, and the Nordics had gone well, but just telling them of why she had to lie to them was emotionally exhausting.

Of course Finland, being the understanding person he was, forgave her instantly, but told her to never do that again or he will feed her to the dogs. Sweden was the same, and the demanding stare he gave her was enough to get her to behave. Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia were a little harder, but soon followed Finland and Sweden's example in the end, with the rest of the Nordics following them shortly after.

Mexico was a little different, as it took America even longer to explain herself to him and why she had to deceive him as well.

"Mexico, you know how the nations are, and even Spain is more observant than you think. I don't know how he failed to see past me—though I'm thankful for that—but he can see into you. It was better if you didn't know, and I didn't want you to be pressured into giving away that information. Trust me, you have enough on your plate already."

"But I'm your brother America. I have more than every right to worry!" Mexico shot back.

"I know Diego, and that's exactly why I didn't want to place this burden on you." America didn't lie to her brother, knowing he was dealing with so much crime in his country, and it was always giving him pounding migraines every time she saw him these days.

Not only would he be worried twenty-four-seven, but he would make himself ill if he knew. He already had enough to deal with, and America didn't want to add to that.

Their meeting ended with them embracing one another before going their separate ways for the day. Now at the family home, America knew her daughters were waiting for her in the kitchen. It was almost dinner time, but America was too tired to eat.

Hopefully Evelyn, Magnolia, Melody, Elvira, and Ana can deal with the nations by themselves.

Oh what was she kidding? They've had to deal with so many adult problems since the day they were old enough to walk, and not to mention she trained them in martial arts herself. Though, America hoped they wouldn't have to resort to violence, except when necessary.

She headed straight for the kitchen, where her five daughters were waiting, eating their own meals. They must've left the other nations in the dining hall so they could eat in peace, though the latter were awfully quiet, not that America wanted it the other way.

"So, it went well da?" Alaska asked, approaching her mother.

America sighed. "Thankfully yes," she answered.

"Are you hungry Mother?" Virginia asked, holding out a plate of clam chowder. Well, it was small, and America didn't really have much of an appetite. Without a complaint she took it.

The women were quiet for a long time, with America absentmindedly taking bites from her bowl, and the girls doing the same with their meals. Finally, Utah spoke up.

"Will you now be introducing the other states Mother?"

"I suppose I may have to, now that they know," America answered, knowing she won't be able to keep her children secret for long. "Also, I fear this may not end well at all."

The girls blanched, understanding instantly.

Chaos was coming, and right in the form of America's children.

Okay, I'm going to be taking a break on this again for a little while because school's coming in a few days and I want to work on America the Mysterious for a little while longer.

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Where stories live. Discover now