The Scarred Capital

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Once again, I'm sorry I haven't been updating. Classes are giving me so much homework and projects and not to mention my strict schedule these days. Anyway, for those of you who are unaware, I've published a new side novel to the United States of America series, called America, In My Dreams, so go check it out if you're interested.

Thankfully Michigan and Tennessee didn't get into another brawl, which, although a normal occurrence, was still annoying to deal with. Of course, Tennessee was one of the brothers who encouraged Michigan's tomboyish personality, and again America saw nothing wrong with that and don't get her wrong she loves Michigan as much as she loves all her children, but there were times when even she needed a break from their craziness.

Once they had finished eating, the group spent a little bit longer out in the open, and America was out in the flower fields with her children, watching with a smile as New Mexico danced with Alaska, both of them giggling in delight. Mary was tending to some of the flowers with Maine, who now no longer had his headphones in. Pennsylvania and Louisiana were making flower crowns with Virginia and Utah. New York and New Jersey were relaxing near their mother. And Michigan and Tennessee were still having the last of their snack (they did arrive late after all and America didn't know they were coming today).

Then, New York let out a snort of laughter. America looked at him. "Is everything alright Ryker?"

"I'm just thinking of how the idiots back there will react when Texas gets here," New York answered, trying to contain his laughter at the thought.

America couldn't hold back a small laugh of her own. "Do you remember when Texas' bosses first met him?"

This time New York hollered. "How can I ever forget that? They looked like they were going to pass out!"

"Those poor men," America mused, a smile spreading onto her face. Even still, she couldn't blame those poor men for that, as when Rex was born, his size baffled America too, and it wasn't every day when you saw a man as tall and as brute as Texas.

Well, at least Rex's bosses adapted quickly to that; The various women though, it took even longer, and let's just say the poor janitor had a lot of blood to clean up.


Speaking of the idiots Ryker was talking about, a few of them were once more in their usual state of chaos.

Such as...

"You bloody wanker, this is all your fault!" England.

"How is it my fault?" And France.

Germany was so tempted to throw himself from a tree and land on his neck by now, and England and France were not helping. Of course, the two idiotic nations began to fight over the bread they previously ate, which Germany had to admit was more delicious than any bread he ever had, and now that it was gone, the two nations decided to blame each other not only for that, both for the fact that America had children with the other.

What did Germany do to deserve this?

Oh, maybe for being the idiot he so despised.

"Will you all fucking shut your traps? Good God you never change," a voice commented.

Everyone froze, hoping beyond all else that the voice didn't belong to the person they didn't want to see at the moment. Again, life hated them, because a man who bore a striking resemblance to America's male counterpart came into their view.

It was Washington D.C., and he too did not look pleased to see them.

Like America's male counterpart, he was a very tall man despite the size of the capital, had amber blonde hair, sky blue eyes, and spectacles. He was wearing a black business suit, black pants, polished shoes, and even white gloves to go along with the outfit. At first glance, you wouldn't think that his face was covered in makeup, but if you did, you'd wish that really wasn't makeup.

Because of the War of 1812, Washington D.C. suffered severe burns that left him covered in what appeared to be fourth-degree burn scars for the rest of his growing days, and would forever remind him of that day. Of course, Washington D.C. didn't seem to forgive England and Canada after the other nations discovered his scars at a meeting before.

If the scars weren't memorable, then what D.C. did to Cuba surely was.

Even now, Cuba's eye hasn't grown back from before, and he has now become very fearful of the United States, submissive almost, and it was quite pitiful if you saw it in an opposing point-of-view.

Washington D.C. crossed his arms. "I would say good afternoon to you, but then again you never appreciated whenever I would take my mother's place at the meetings when she was unable to attend."

Many of the nations flinched. They seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

"Vhat are jou doing here?" Germany asked, soon slapping himself mentally for sounding like an idiot.

Washington D.C. raised an irritated eyebrow. "You know exactly why I'm here Ludwig, or have you forgotten already what I've said to you after Cuba ripped my shirt open?"

Germany had to choke back his vomit, and the others were in the same predicament.

"I'll take that as a no," D.C. commented. "Now that my family is coming together, and I hate that I'm saying this, but a few of them aren't openly going to be happy to see you or the fact that you're in our family home, and trust me Mr. Williams, Utah and Alaska aren't exactly pleased that you're here, and if they decide to do something to you, do not hold me or my mother accountable."

D.C. had turned away before he could see the look of pain in Canada's eyes. "Now, if you will excuse me, I need to greet my mother." He walked off before anyone could say a word.

Yup, Germany was truly that idiot he so hated.

Wait, family home?

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora