Incoming Chaos

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A few days passed now, and the mansion was, thankfully, just as quiet as it had been the previous few days. England was, once more, as silent as death, while France, Spain, Prussia, and even Romano said nothing.

Italy looked uncertain, like he wanted to say something but didn't know what. Germany looked on edge, and his bouncing knee and fidgeting hand wasn't helping him to conceal it. China looked like he was going to die in the intense atmosphere, Canada also looked like he wanted to say something but didn't know if he should, and even Russia was quiet.

Japan, on the other hand, was obviously disappointed in his fellow nations, as he was eyeing them in disapproval and sometimes would shake his head before going back to whatever he had been doing previously, uncaring of what was going on with them.

As for America and the current states, they were currently preparing for Nebraska, Kansas,  Wyoming, and Montana's arrival, and we're hoping that things wouldn't end poorly, especially for Nebraska and Montana.

Though, while Montana and Wyoming were more non-expressive about their dislike for the nations, the same couldn't be said for Nebraska.

Oh, and speaking of which...

A knock came at the door, and America was the first to answer it, finding the four people they were waiting for arrive.

The first to greet her was Nebraska. Human name being Sage Jones/Bonnefoy, he was a young man with a Native American appearance with cropped dark brown hair, heterochromic forest green and light brown eyes, and tan skin. He also was a man of few words and who mostly communicates through his actions.

Next to him, Kansas, or Soleil Jones/Bonnefoy, looked exactly like him, except her heterochromic forest green and light brown eyes were in different eyes, her dark brown hair reached her upper back and was kept in a braid, and she was more clumsy than Sage.

Wyoming, or Blake Jones/Bonnefoy, was a man who you could consider an intimidating mountain man, except without the unkempt hair and a beard. In fact, he was clean-shaven, very tall and broad, and had slightly messy dark brown hair, ice blue eyes, and pale skin. And right now, since it was winter time in his state, he was wearing a long black coat, black jeans, and the matching long boots.

Now, as for Montana, or Cheveyo Jones/Bonnefoy, he also had a Native American appearance, with his tan skin, long and braided black hair, brown eyes, and muscular frame. He was also, like Sage and Soleil were at the moment, wearing farmer's overalls.

"Hi Mom!" Kansas greeted with a smile, attempting to tackle America to the ground but failing miserably. America giggled at her daughter's pout.

"Hello Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana," she greeted with a warm smile.

Nebraska lifted a hand and waved, smiling a little.

"Hello Mother," Wyoming greeted, tipping an imaginary hat on his head.

"Hi Mom," Montana greeted with a smile.

"Well don't just stand there now. Come in come in!" America ushered the four into the mansion, making sure to keep Nebraska out of sight of the other nations, though Kansas caught sight of them in the dining room, silently eating. She looked up at her mother with a confused look on her face.

America mouthed, "I'll tell you when we're upstairs."

Kansas nodded at this. Then they headed upstairs, away from the nations and likely from a potential war. America took note that Montana and Wyoming were tense, though the latter's eyes took on a sharp edge. However, upon seeing their mother shake her head at them, they nodded and composed themselves as they headed upstairs.

Once they got upstairs, the four were bombarded by the other energetic states.

Those states pounced on them, taking them to the ground. America giggled at the sight, for Wyoming let out a grunt when he hit the floor though he smiled at Iowa and Wisconsin, Montana messed up Alaska and Hawaii's hair, Kansas allowed Michigan to pick her up and spin her around, and Nebraska smiled at Indiana's antics.

Then two sets of paws came up the stairs, and eventually two giant dogs joined the fray, licking whoever was unlucky enough to be near them and demanding to be pet.

Eventually they came to America, and she rubbed their backs, watching as they dropped onto their stomachs in delight.

"Who are the best doggies in the world?" America cooed. "You are! Yes you are!"

"Astrid, Buddy, come!" Wyoming ordered, and the dogs immediately went to their master. "Sorry about that Mother."

"Oh hush Blake, they just missed us, and you know it," America scolded.

Her response was a small smirk.

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Where stories live. Discover now