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Once things quieted down, with Arizona still being fuzzed over by New Mexico like he was a little kid and Colorado being scolded by said girl, while Iowa and Wisconsin were sitting next to America. Iowa was checking out cookbooks while Wisconsin was flying with her pet beaver, Yuri.

America had always, even now, questioned how the latter wasn't Canada's daughter, as she was so alike to him it was terrifying. Hell, even Yuri acted a lot like Kumajiro. They had to be related somehow, she just knew it!

Though, now Wisconsin was toying with Yuri's fur with fidgeting fingers, while Iowa was just flipping through the pages absentmindedly. America eyed the girls.

"What's wrong girls?"

The twins jumped, before they looked to each other. Something passed between them, and they nodded before turning back to the older woman. "Mom, Nebraska and Kansas are going to be coming here in a few days, and I'm really worried on what Nebraska will do once he gets here."

Well shit.

America knew her son made it his life mission to want nothing to do with the nations, especially since they have done nothing to help his mother during her time of need. Sure, his mother always told him that she never needed them, and she still doesn't, that never stopped Nebraska from wanting to avoid the nations as much as possible.

He wasn't going to be happy when he comes here.

America looked back to the twins, still eyeing their mother with worry. "Mom?"

"I'm worried too girls, but, right now, we can only hope that things won't end that way."

And it truly was all they could do.

Sorry this is short.

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin