Cause for Happiness

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"Hurry on now children!" America called behind her, standing still as the more energetic states zoomed past her, Astrid and Buddy not to far behind. Their tails were wagging with a lot of ferocity, and the states that went ahead were laughing with complete joy.

They were visiting the beach again today, except now America was accompanying her children. The nations weren't went with them too, which pleased the states immensely, because they can have this day all to themselves and not have to worry about their mother's coworkers watching and judging them.

"Mama, come play volleyball with us!" called out Arkansas, who was dressed in a bikini, showing off his feminine figure.

America smirked. "Oh you're on!" she called as she joined her son, California, Hawaii, Florida, and Arizona. They were going against Louisiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Washington, Kentucky, and West Virginia. They smirked at each other, determined to win.

"Ready to lose?" Kentucky called.

"You first!" California called back as she served the ball.

There was much laughter, playful curses, and so forth, but even if they missed a point, they were still having the time of their lives. The other states, when they weren't playing in the water, tanning, building sandcastles, or even posing for the others, cheered them on, but it was obvious that they didn't know who to root for.

Finally, Astrid and Buddy decided to spice things up.

They zigzagged through everyone on both courts, though the players managed to dodge them. But that didn't deter the dogs, as they went at once, only for the ones they were heading for to flip over them as they continued to play.

They continued to do this, with both sides continuing to have their own form of fun. The dogs' tails were wagging and they even barked a little with enthusiasm. 

Eventually everyone got so hyped up that they were rolling all over the sand, laughing. Astrid and Buddy soon followed their example, rubbing their backs on the ground as best as they could, though they had to get back up because the sand was getting in their noses, making them sneeze about five times.

"Everyone!" Utah called, preparing some drinks. "Do any of you want some?"

As they were given the drinks, America looked across the ocean, unable to keep a smile from spreading to her lips.

First thing tomorrow, the nations will finally be leaving. Good riddance too.


Canada had watched as his sister and her children walked off to the beach, all either wearing sundresses to cover their swimsuits or shirts so the boys could cover their bare chests. Once more, a pang went through Canada's heart, for he always saw that whenever he or the nations were around, America's face would become emotionless, and her tone indifferent. But with her children? She was happy, loving, patient, and caring.

What have I done?

Canada was sure he and the others had been asking that question ever since they learned the truth about America. From that point on, the extent of what they had done to her hit them like a runaway train, and the blow was so hard that they all were stunned for days. Now, the pain in their hearts seemed to increase day in and day out.

What have they done? What have they fucking done?!

They were supposed to be siblings, people who look after one another and even tell their most guarded secrets to! But then again...

America called him an imposter, someone who took her "real" brother's place. But how could that be? He was still Honan, Migisi's older brother, conceived asexually and birthed from Native America, just as Elsu and Migisi herself had been. Back then, before the Europeans came, they were so close, spending every moment together, and not even their own mother could keep them apart.

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