Irony of Love

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Minutes after the four men fainted, America placed their unconscious bodies in their rooms before leaving them alone and returning to the living room, where Nevada was talking to Maine, who now had one earbud in as he listened to his half-brother's words.

Now, there was another reason that Zayn was not a positive role model, since Maine happened to be involved. Whenever Zayn was being particularly violent towards someone, Maine (if he didn't have his headphones in) will experience flashbacks of the fighting during the burning of Washington, and will likely join Zayn in the latter's rampage.

However, since the would-be victim in question was the very man who ordered the attack, America had noticed that Maine was shaking with excitement, while a huge grin was slowly spreading across his cheeks.

America sighed to herself; What was she going to do with those two?

"America!" she heard an angry British voice demand, and, turning that way, found England stomping her way.

"Yes England?" she acknowledged, clasping her hands together in front of her, and didn't take a step back when the man stepped closer to her than she liked.

"What kind of family have you raised?!" he demanded, glaring at her as he took in the children he had with her and the other children that were fathered by other nations.

America followed his eyes, seeing what her children were getting themselves into.

Michigan was wrestling with Tennessee again, while Connecticut was angrily chasing a laughing New Hampshire around with Rhode Island trying in vain to calm the former.

Delaware was unintentionally scaring Italy and even China.

Georgia was eating peaches like tomorrow didn't exist.

California was crushing Florida again in an embrace while Texas was trying to point out the latter's predicament.

North and South Carolina were calmly reading a book with Vermont in the corner.

Louisiana was showing off various kinds of dresses to Virginia, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, New Mexico, and N. and S. Dakota, who were voicing their opinions.

New York and New Jersey were break-dancing for Hawaii and Alaska in the corner, who were clapping and cheering in delight.

Maryland was calmly watering the plants as she talked with Alabama about various kinds of crops.

Oklahoma and Mississippi were playfully arguing with each other.

Utah and Washington D.C. were sitting in the corner watching all this play out.

And West Virginia and Kentucky were pounding each other into the ground again, thankfully (and miraculously) not leaving behind any cracks in the floor.

America looked back to England, calmly watching as he seethed to himself.

"I raised them so they could be independent and know how to care for themselves and the people around them," she admitted. "Is something wrong with that?"

"You're damn right there's something wrong with that!" England snapped, a little too loudly it seemed, because as soon as he said those words all sound and movement stopped. Nation and state alike looked their way, wondering what was happening. "These...these...children are acting erratically, and you're letting them!"

America narrowed her eyes now, having a good feeling of where her former caretaker was going with this. "And why don't you get to the point Mr. Kirkland?" she asked coldly.

England didn't notice her tone of voice as he continued. "I thought I raised you better than that America! Now you had to pass your insane traits into my own children?! Why, if they had been in my care, I would've shaped them into better people, something it seems that you were never able to do. Why I even took you in I'll never understand."

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن