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America turned to Alaska, who was now dressed in a long light purple nightgown. Her hair was now loose, allowing the waves to cascade down to her waist. She was also sitting on her mother's bed, staring up at said woman with wide purple eyes.

"Yes dear?"

"When will the nations leave? I'm just wondering da."

America finished putting on her own nightshirt and pants as she walked towards the bed. "Just two more days Ana, and then we won't have to worry about them for the time being."

"But what about the rest of the world?" Alaska asked, looking to the older woman with confused eyes.

"How do you mean?"

"How will the rest of the world handle knowing that you've lied to them all this time, da? From how these...people acted, I'm worried on what the rest of the world will do."

America frowned in understanding. There was no use hiding her gender from the rest of the world now, and the fact that she was a mother will probably put her in a position she doesn't want, though there was no stopping it now.

Now, only she could pray that the nations didn't do anything stupid, but, knowing their lot, they would, and it may or may not start a war that all of them will regret participating in.

"I'm worried too dear, but this was bound to be found out sooner or later. Now, we all have to deal with this change of events and only hope that things don't end poorly on our end," America replied, trying not to be grim. 

This was not something that needed to be worried about at night after all, especially to Alaska.

"Well, let's get some sleep now. I still have a meeting to go to tomorrow, and you and your siblings have work to do around the house." Alaska pouted at the last part, but didn't dare to complain.

"Da Mama," she said instead as she got herself comfortable in bed. America then pulled the curtains shut before she got into bed herself and went to sleep after a little while.


The next morning was, once more, quiet, and the nations continued to say nothing as they had breakfast, got themselves ready, and went with America out the door towards the limo. America had been expecting the meeting room to be noisy again, but, almost to her surprise, that wasn't the case. The other nations were just as silent, casting uneasy glances towards the nations behind America.

She wouldn't be surprised if they were stunned by the lifelessness of said people.

Once everyone was seated and got their papers out, the meeting got started. America didn't pay attention to the questioning glances of her coworkers as she listened to the presentations at hand. Once more, these presentations were over topics that could be solved if many communities got involved, and America took notes as they went along. 

Finally, before anyone knew it, the meeting was over, and some nations rushed out of the room, desperate to get out of the atmosphere America had been ignoring. Others stayed behind, not daring to stare at the taller woman.

America of course paid no attention to this as she silently chewed on her sandwich and took a few sips of her water. Finally, she looked down, her sky blue eyes coming into contact with deeper, younger blue eyes.

"Hello Peter," America greeted with a ghost of a smile. "Is there something you need?"

Sealand flinched a little, before he attempted to look anywhere but at her. "N-Nothing Mr--Miss America. I'm sorry." He then scurried off before America could say anything.

She sighed. She always found the micro nation adorable, and he reminded her of a few of her children when they were his age, and he looked up to her male self a lot. She couldn't imagine what he was feeling at this moment, knowing that the male nation he thought he knew was nothing but a lie.

America was going to have to get the boy alone one time so she could talk to him.

Looking up, she then saw Finland smiling sadly at her before he walked off to find Sealand. America sighed again as she put the remains of her sandwich back into its zip-lock and capped her water bottle, losing all appetite she had. From there she waited for the meeting to restart so her mind would be taken off of the boy.

Thankfully she only had to wait a few more minutes, though many others were late, again, but upon an irritated look from America, Germany made no move to hold off the meeting, clearly irritated himself. From there, they finished up everything for once and left the meeting feeling satisfied and dejected all at once.

America felt completely satisfied though, for once more she didn't have to go back to her residence with a migraine and her irritation about to boil over. Though, as she waited in the limo for the others to arrive, she took out her Jane Eyre copy and took off from where she left off. Even when she heard the car doors finally opening and closing with the nations filing into their seats, America continued to read.

She sometimes felt England's eyes upon her, but America once more paid him no mind. She was too busy feeling grateful that it was silent in the limo to feel any pity for her former caretaker.

When they arrived home, the rooms were clean again, and the states were showing off various kinds of photography of their most beautiful buildings and nature preserves. America smiled at this as she went to join her children.

"Maman, doesn't zhis look beautiful?" Louisiana asked as she showed her mother a picture of one of the bayous.

Before America could reply, N. and S. Dakota got in front of their older sister and presented their own pictures. "Mama, what about these?"

The states then started to get a little frenzied, until America shouted, "Alright that's enough! One at a time you goofballs. I won't be able to answer you if you're talking all at once."

The states blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry."

"That's alright, now come here. Let me have a look." As the states showed their mother their respective pictures, none of them noticed the heartbroken looks from the majority of the nations.

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Where stories live. Discover now