Look At What You've Lost

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With the snap of her fingers, England, France, and Canada were pushed into the room, the door slamming shut behind them. Then, they were frozen in place, and would remain that way for a long while, unable to do anything no matter how much they willed themselves.

America then waved her head, and from the window, the other nations flew in from being dragged by a spirit of the dead. She stared at each and every one of them with an intense emotionless expression, and even she felt like a jury, about to sentence them to their fate.

Japan, who immediately recovered from the shock of being dragged here by invisible forces, stared at America in shock. "A-America-san?"

America smiled at him. She motioned for the spirits holding him. "Let him go you three. He's innocent here."

The spirits obeyed without a complaint, but she could tell that they weren't happy about it. Giving a quick smile to Japan, America returned her attention to the others.

"Did you honestly believe I didn't know what you were doing?" she asked. "I knew you would all get reckless and attempt to find out what I've been hiding, but have you ever heard the saying "Some truths are better off buried"? Or did it just slip through your forgetful minds?"

Some nations, like China, Russia, and even England, were struggling against the captors to no avail. In fact, the spirits didn't even budge.

"Well, you wanted the truth of what I've been hiding, so it's the truth you get." America walked towards her changing area, where she stripped herself from her bomber jacket and other articles of clothing that hid her feminine figure. After that, she dressed herself in a dark blue blouse, the matching long skirt, and black heels.

She also ran her hands through her hair, regaining her normal wavy chin-length hair, and washed her face, removing any makeup that would make her look more masculine, revealing her heart-shaped face, full pink lips, and long eyelashes.

This was why she took special care to hide her feminine beauty all these years, as that would be more than enough to give her away.

America stepped out, revealing herself in all her female glory. She watched as the nations inhaled sharp breaths, their eyes wide with disbelief as they scanned her from head to toe.

"Now do you understand?" America asked. "So many secrets are better left being left alone, but you all, being the nosy and idiotic people you are, decided to ignore that rule. You know, I don't ask, nor do I care, about what you're hiding, but then again you're completely different. How pathetic."

"You're not America," China spat, glaring up at her. "Who are you?"

America raised an eyebrow. "Have you become deaf old man?" she taunted. "I have just finished speaking, and now I'm starting to wonder if I should repeat myself. Though, maybe I won't, because that involves wasting my breath. Besides, people like you never learn."

"Shut up!"

"Oh no, have I hit a sore spot?" America mocked, smirking cruelly. "I truly thought that you, Yao Wang, would be able to withstand this of all things, but no, you are acting like an inexperienced brat, and not to mention one who cannot accept the truth right before him. Like, for example, your debt."

"You were supposed to give me the money aru!" China snapped.

"Have you forgotten the saying "Patience is a virtue" Mr. Wang?" America laughed. "My, oh my, not only are you deaf, but you have a peanut-sized brain! I knew that was the case, but you just confirmed it! Oh wow that was beautiful."

"Knock it off America!" England demanded, flinching when America immediately composed herself and stared with those icy eyes straight into his soul.

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Where stories live. Discover now