Daughter of Russia

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America truly hated her life at the moment.

She was grumbling to herself as she walked away from Japan's room, where she placed the unconscious man in his bed before leaving, and right now she was wondering how Japan was going to handle meeting Alaska. Of course, she knew the others were going to be meeting the younger girl sooner rather than later, but that didn't mean she was looking forward to it, especially when it concerns a certain lilac-eyed nation.

However, America refused to place the blame on poor Anastasia, whose nightmares had been intensifying over the past week, and, when America went to check on her youngest daughter, she was shocked to discover that Evelyn wasn't exaggerating when she said that her youngest half-sister refused to even sleep.

She looked like a scared bat from Hell, with her paler than usual complexion, eyes as wide as dinner plates, and the dark bags under those lilac eyes. America held the poor creature in her arms as she quietly sobbed and soon went to sleep with her mother singing to her.

Therefore, America knew she had to bring Alaska to stay with her for the rest of the time, and this brought up a worry-filled argument between her and Evelyn.

"But Mother, haven't you ordered us to stay away from the house until the nations left?" Evelyn asked.

America rubbed at her forehead, where the beginnings of a headache were forming. "I know what I said Eve, but, as a mother, it's my duty to be sure that all of you are healthy and looking after yourselves. There will come a time when I can't always be there for Alaska, just like I can't be with Maine all the time to help him, and this way I can help her prepare herself when something like this comes up again."

Virginia bit her lip. "Will that not leave us more prone to be discovered?"

America sighed. "Unfortunately, that's already happened and so much more."

Virginia choked on her breath. "You mean—"

"Yes, unfortunately."

After that, America ordered her eldest daughter and child to inform the other states about what's happened and the change of plans, and as she was about to crash into the front door, a knock was heard on it, and America immediately opened it, revealing Alaska carrying a suitcase.

Physically, Alaska was a ten-year-old girl with waist-length pale blonde hair tied in a braid, pale skin, and lilac eyes, but she was much older than that. She was also wearing her trademark light purple buttoned jacket, light pink scarf, black shorts, black gloves, long socks, and matching laced boots.

Though, despite being a physically ten-year-old girl, she was sure tall for her age, another thing she inherited from her father.

Well, at least she only acted like the man when excited or overwhelmed.

"Privet Mama," Alaska greeted with a smile as she walked inside. She quickly hugged her mother around the waist before following the older woman throughout the house.

"How are you doing Ana?" America asked, smiling herself.

"Better now," Alaska replied. "So...you said I'm going to be staying in your room, da?"

America nodded. "Da."


Canada didn't come out of his room for the rest of the day, in fact he was afraid to, knowing he would have to face his sister, the sister he never knew, again.

The look in her eyes when she looked at him and when she told him what her true feelings for him were...Canada knew his heart had broken beyond repair. His sister wanted nothing to do with him, didn't give a fucking damn about him nonetheless. He knew if he collapsed, was attacked, or something else in between, America wouldn't bat an eyelash.

What has he done? What have they all done?

"I only have one brother, and he's not you. That brother of mine died when he was only a child, and I was too blind to see it until it was too late." The glare America gave him made Canada wonder if he was really turning to ice. "Don't you dare say you're my brother, for a foolish imposter like you cannot fool me."

An imposter? Not a brother, but an imposter?

What has he done?

A child's laughter interrupted his thoughts, and Canada groaned. What now? He didn't want to get up, but Canada knew this was something that required his attention, so, albeit reluctantly, he got up from bed and walked to the door. Opening it, he looked down the hall, seeing something he never thought possible.

It was his sister, smiling with love and kindness at a girl walking beside her. The girl bore a terrifying resemblance to Russia, with the tall structure, lilac eyes, style of clothing, and even that smile. Surprisingly, the two were speaking in Russian.

America spoke in that language like she was a native! Her accent was perfect, her Russian was flawless, and the child beside her understood her perfectly. They didn't notice Canada at first, but when they did, they both stopped walking and stared at him, all emotion gone. Canada had to resist the urge to flinch.

"America..." he began, keeping his eyes on the feminine child version of Russia. "Who is this?"

America's expression remained unchanging. "That is none of your business Mr. Williams." She attempted to start walking again, but Canada grabbed her wrist, halting her. "Let me go Mr. Williams."

"I won't America. You already lied to me before, I won't—"

A shovel appeared in his sight, and a startled Canada released his sister, soon seeing the little female Russia glaring at him. Unlike Russia, whose dark aura would appear while he smiled, this girl was not smiling at all. Her lilac eyes were sharp and focused solely on him as she held out the shovel in her hands, all while a cloud of darkness surrounded her, way too similar to the taller nation.

"Touch my mama, and you will die," the girl threatened slowly, tightening her grip on the shovel until America placed a hand on her arm.

"That's enough Alaska, come along now."

The girl glared at Canada once last time before following America, her shovel disappearing in the process.

As soon as they turned the corner, Canada's mind was spinning.


It couldn't be...

Oh and guys, before I forget, I need to give you a heads-up that I'm going to be taking a break on this for a couple days (only a couple!) because my older sister is heading back to Mississippi for college and my mom will be accompanying her. That means I have to help my dad look after the dogs--who are the bane of my existence--and my cat.

Also, since school's coming soon, I will try to update a few more times before I have to take another break to adjust to my new routine. After that, we'll see what happens...

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