Evelyn, Magnolia, Melody, and Elvira

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A few people walked in, all girls, and all politely nodding in greeting to the nations, but not saying a word. There were four of them in total, all of whom appeared to be in their late teens. There was also a few of them that made many catch their breaths.

The first girl who came in was like the female clone of England, except for the usual scowl, she had a polite and calm smile. Her long blonde hair fell to her hips in a silky wave, her forest green eyes shone with some kind of magic, and she was quite tall, though not as tall as America. She was wearing a short white dress, denim jacket, and white leather heeled-boots. Her hair also possessed a dark blue ribbon.

America heard England choke, France begin to mumble in panic under his breath, and basically the other nations rubbing at their eyes, slapping themselves, or just pinching themselves. She sweat-dropped, wondering what the hell she just got herself and their guests into.

The second girl was alarmingly like France, with extremely long and wavy blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, and pale skin, wearing an elegant dress that appeared out of its time. She also carried herself like a woman of the world, confident and elegant, like nothing in the world could trample over her.

The third girl made a certain North American nation freeze, and for a moment America felt terrible for the man who was supposed to be her brother. This girl was the spitting image of said nation, with the lavender tinged eyes and the light blonde hair that was long and braided a little. She also wore a white tank-top, denim shorts, and slippers, not exactly revealing but at the same time not. However, unlike the certain nation we're talking about, she carried herself with fire, unlike the ice he carried.

The last girl was the same, expect for a different nation. She shared his dark brown hair and matching eyes, but unlike him at the moment, she was smiling calmly. She also wore a white dress and headpiece that looked more like a wedding attire than anything else.

"Hello girls, you're just in time," America greeted with a genuine smile.

"Hello Mother," said the England and Canada look-alikes. The former spoke with a perfect British accent, while the latter spoke in a slight French accent.

"Bonjour Maman," greeted the France look-alike, her French accent perfect.

"Hola Madre," finished the Mexico look-alike, clearly a Mexican native.

It took a moment for their words to set in.




The new girls turned to the nations, appearing surprised at their outbursts. They turned with questioning looks on America, who shook her head. "It slipped my mind to inform them," she said. "I sincerely apologize for that."

"No harm was done Mother. We forgive you," said the female miniature version of Canada.

The female England smiled politely at the nations, but under it there was something close to distrust. "Good morning, you are the nations correct?"

No one spoke, except for Germany. "J-Ja, ve are."

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you at last. My name is Evelyn Jones, but I am mostly known as Virginia. I was also the first colony founded in the United States, born from an asexual union between my mother, Emily, and my father, Arthur."

If the fact that England was the father of this beautiful child wasn't even more surprising, America's real name did it for them.

The main nations turned to America with their own questioning looks, and she shrugged. "You never gave me a chance to explain with your arguing earlier."

She said it so matter-of-fact, like it didn't even matter. It shouldn't have hurt the ones that were supposed to be close to her, but it did.

Virginia urged the female France before her, and the latter curtsied gracefully, making a certain nation swoon. "Bonjour monsieurs. I am Magnolia Jones, also known as Louisiana. I was born during zhe Louisiana Purchase and to my mother Emily and my father Francis."

America could tell that the others didn't know whether to faint at the existence of an offspring of France, or tolerate it as best as they could manage. She had to keep a hold of herself to keep a laugh from escaping.

The female Canada placed a hand on Louisiana's shoulder, seemingly to prevent the girl from doing anything stupid, before stepping forward herself. "Hello, I am Melody Jones, otherwise known as Utah, and I am the only daughter of my mother, Emily, and my father, Matthew. I was created when Mormons immigrated to me."

Finally, a body crashing to the floor was heard, and America sweat-dropped again at the sight of her unconscious "brother". She knew that reaction was coming, but even still she wasn't prepared, because normally the guy was able to keep his shit together.

"M-My petit...Matthew...a child...his own sister," France was mumbling incoherently. He was once more as pale as a ghost and even some drool was escaping past his lips. America walked over and placed a napkin on his mouth, not out of generosity, but because she didn't want saliva on her table.

The other nations weren't faring any better, but at least they weren't in the state France was in.

Utah laughed nervously at the pity party that was the nations and glanced at the last girl, who didn't appear affected by the atmosphere in the room. She nodded and stepped forward.

"Hola amigos," she spoke up, and that seemed to snap everyone out of their stupor. "Now that you're feeling better, my name is Elvira Jones, or New Mexico, and I am my padre Diego's daughter! It's nice to finally meet you Padre!" She said all this with a loving smile on her face, all directed towards Mexico.

Speaking of Mexico, he was staring at his child with wide, bug-like eyes. Now that America thought about it, her older brother appeared like he did when he first said "I'm a Padre..."

After recovering from the shock of that, Mexico left without another word, and since then the nations were confused on why he said that. Though, how the older North American nation managed to figure it out, America didn't know if she did want to find out or not.

Now, Mexico looked about ready to faint again. Fortunately he didn't, especially when New Mexico walked over to embrace him. America found herself smiling fondly, for he was one of the only people who she could consider family, along with the Nordics and Baltics, even if the last two groups weren't related to her by blood.

Just the thought that she had to lie to them was very hard, and America couldn't even begin to think of the betrayal they must be feeling. She didn't know if they were as forgiving as Japan, but she deeply hoped they were. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if they didn't forgive her.

Mexico, albeit a bit awkwardly, wrapped his arms around the daughter he produced with his sister of all people. Now, you may be thinking: "How can these siblings even produce normal-looking children with each other?" Well, it's quite simple really. These siblings aren't even human.

If you're aware of Greek, Egyptian, or any kind of mythology, you may have a good idea of this. For example, Zeus and Demeter, the god of lightning (and the king of the gods) and the goddess of the harvest in Greek mythology, were siblings, and produced a famous and beautiful daughter together, Persephone, who ended up marrying her uncle, Hades, the god of the underworld.

So, these types of relationships were common in those mythologies, and heck, even the parents of the main six Olympian gods were brother and sister. Now, since the nations are technically not human, it should be close to these stories.

Though, while he embraced his daughter, Mexico glanced at America, his eyes narrowed with the demand that she explain herself when the meeting's over. In fact, when America looked around, she saw the Baltics and the Nordics were giving the same looks.

Well, she's fucked.

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