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"You and your brother are going to be the death of me, you know that right?" America asked as she worked on bandaging the bruises and cuts on her two children, Tennessee and Michigan.

Michigan grinned up at her. "You always say that Mama, and you're not dead yet!"

"Yes, but might as well," America mused, rolling her eyes. She glanced at the nations, who once more looked more like fishes than people.

She sighed. "This is Jasper Kirkland, or Tennessee, and Clarice Bonnefoy, or Michigan. Say hello you two."

"Howdy," Tennessee greeted with a mock salute.

"Hey!" Michigan greeted next, grinning big.

Tennessee elbowed Michigan in the ribs, to which she retaliated by elbowing him back. Seeing this, America smacked the both of them upside the heads.

"Ow!" they squeaked. "Mama--!"

""Mama" what?" America asked sweetly, a dark aura surrounding her. For some reason Tennessee and Michigan looked like they were getting smaller and smaller, in an attempt to escape their mother's terrifying look.

Their siblings weren't faring any better, and the nations were no different. Virginia, New Mexico, and New Jersey appeared to be sweat-dropping while glancing nervously at their mother; New York and Louisiana avoided looking at America; and Alaska had a nervous smile on her face.

"Now Mother, you know how they are," came a British female voice. Turning, the group saw a new one heading towards them. It was a group of three, two females and one male, and it was the female who spoke that caught everyone's attention.

She appeared to be an alter ego of America, but her hair was longer to her waist, she had a serene expression, a shorter structure, she wore a crown made of what appeared to be wheat, and she was even carrying a basket filled with fruit. She also wore a grass and dirt-stained apron dress that reached to her knees.

The woman behind her looked like a certain albino nation, except female and wearing a long dress that belonged to history. Like said nation, she possessed white hair (which was thigh-length and held partly in a bun), red eyes, and snow white skin. She gazed at everyone with a calmer look than that of Prussia most of the time.

As for the male, he looked like he didn't want any of the nations there, as he gazed at them with unmasked hostility. He was also quite tall, with semi-long dark blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and a muscular body that his long-sleeved shirt and jeans were failing at concealing. He also wore a cross necklace around his neck and his face possessed the stubble of a mustache and beard.

America smiled at them. "Ah, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Maine, when did you get here?"

"Not too long ago," the Prussia look-alike, Pennsylvania, answered, her German accent catching almost everyone off-guard. She glanced towards the nations, and for a moment her eyes darkened, but it was gone just as quickly. "Und I take it jou're zhe nations?"

As they wouldn't answer, America said, "They are."

"Vell, I vould stay it's nice to meet jou."

The boy refused to say anything or even glance at the nations, more specifically England and Canada. Instead he took out a music player and put his headphones on, drowning out all other noises as he followed his sisters. Of course, a few certain nations found that disrespectful.

However, when America glared at them, those nations wisely kept their mouths shut.

Maine then sat beside America, soon giving a dark glare and grin towards Michigan and Tennessee, who shivered and immediately bowed their heads. Satisfied, the boy returned to listening to his music.

Nearby, a few nations shivered themselves.

"Well now, Michigan, Tennessee, will you now tell me when you two arrived here? I thought you had work to do?" America asked.

"We actually found there wasn't much that we couldn't do on the plane trip," Michigan admitted. "So, we decided to do our work while we were on our way here."

"Good way to use your time," America mused, clearly impressed.

Michigan pouted. "You make it sound like I slack off Mama!"

America raised an eyebrow.

At this, the state sighed. "Okay okay, maybe I do slack off a little bit."

"A little bit by a lot," Tennessee mused, rolling his eyes.

Michigan glared at him. "You take that back!"

"Enough!" America ordered, causing everyone to stiffen in pure fear. Michigan and Tennessee froze, fearing their mother's wrath. "Tennessee, don't provoke your sister, and Michigan, don't encourage him."

"I wasn't--" Upon America's look, Michigan slumped. "Sorry Mama."

"Sorry Mama," Tennessee chimed in.

"Thank you, now, let's have a good time, yes?"

"Yes Mama."

"Yes Mother."

"Si Mama."

"Oui Maman."

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Where stories live. Discover now