Princess Migisi of the South

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Japan had never felt more confused, or even betrayed somewhat, in his entire existence.

He couldn't believe what had happened hours before; the ghosts that inhabited America's home, America not saying anything about it, and...and...

...finding out America was a woman and so, so different in personality.

Her warm eyes had been replaced by icy glaciers that would be more than capable of ripping you to shreds, her entire posture screamed distrust and hostility, and she also stood elegantly, proudly, and with the stance of a queen. Hell, she even had this grace to her walk. She was so different from the America Japan knew, or thought he knew.

That America never existed.

However, what really bugged Japan were these few questions; why did America lie to him? Didn't she trust him? Weren't they friends?

A knock came at his door, and Japan hurried to answer it. When he opened the door, America was right there, smiling slightly, and all apathy gone from her. Now Japan was even more confused. Which one was the real America?

"May I come in?" America asked softly, never taking her eyes from Japan's. Japan said or did nothing for many minutes, but America patiently waited for his answer, something the America Japan (thought) he knew never did, and his heart broke all over again.

Nodding slightly, he opened the door wider and stepped out of America's way, allowing her to come in. After closing the door behind her, Japan refused to meet America's eyes and sat on his bed, waiting for her to speak.

After a few more minutes in almost complete darkness, saving for the moonlight coming in from the window, America said, "I never meant to hurt you, you know."

Japan finally looked at her.

"I wanted to tell you the truth, truly I did, but I didn't have any other choice but to also lie to you. It would already be horrendous enough if the other nations knew."

"But...were we not friends?" Japan asked, unable to keep the heartbreak out of his voice.

America winced slightly. "We are Japan, but you were, and still are, too trusting of everyone for your own good, and even if I told you my secret, you would've told the others, and, knowing them, they would make sure the news spread like wildfire."

"Even stirr..."

"I don't expect you to forgive me Japan, but I do expect you to listen. If you were in my situation, would you rather be seen as weak and a target to be controlled or not?"

Japan immediately nodded in the negative. "No."

"That's why I had to hide, because not only would they see me as weak, but I would be expected to follow the males to their every whim. I didn't want that life, so, besides Mother encouraging me, I disguised myself and made sure I drove as little attention to myself as possible. She knew my own brothers would see me as weak as well, and I didn't doubt her for a second."

Japan flinched a little in sympathy. Earlier after America's declaration, England refused to believe what happened, and even went as far as to use magic to bring the truth out of America, but America appeared behind England and...just stared.

After finally realizing it was the truth a few hours later, England had been in a state of depression, one America didn't care about. Canada was the same, berating himself for not even knowing that his "brother" was actually his sister, and that he was dead to her.

Even Japan found it hard to believe (no matter the proof) that Canada hated his sister and even went as far as to nearly kill her when her people decided to make him into a state in 1812.

"You should've known that I cannot control the minds of my people Canada, just as you can't yours, but you chose to ignore it and hurt me. You are disgrace to the North American name!" America spat, glaring at the brother that is dead to her.

Even the older brother's guilt wouldn't be enough to take back the mistakes he cannot undo.

Japan almost felt sorry for him.


"America-san, do you have anymore secrets I need to know about?" the Asian nation found himself asking.

America said nothing for a bit, but then she nodded her head. "Follow me," she said, walking out of Japan's room, with said man following not to far behind.

She lead him to the farthest corner of the house, where a lone door was located. Grabbing a key from her blouse pocket, she unlocked it and allowed Japan to head in before her.

There was nothing much in the room besides another door, a changing station, and a closet. Japan watched as America headed over to the closet and opened it, revealing the very little but wondrous contents within.

There was a mannequin inside, wearing a cotton but Indian styled dress, and on its head was a Indian headdress, both of which America took out and took to the changing station. A few minutes later, she came back out in the dress, which hugged her curves and full breasts, and then, right before Japan, she placed the headdress on her head.

Suddenly her hair began to grow in length, all the way down to her hips.

Japan stared, unable to believe his eyes. America smiled.

"I was born as Migisi, which in the Cheyenne Indian language means "eagle". My older brothers were born as Elsu, Miwok for "flying falcon", and Honon, Miwok for "bear". They're Mexico and...Canada respectively. Mother was also seen as a goddess, so my brothers and I were seen as royalty in a way, and naturally it made sense when our names became Princess Migisi of the South, Prince Elsu of the Southwest, and Prince Honon of the North. I sometimes take on that identity in order to remember being a part of my mother's people."

"I see," Japan said, taken aback.

He had to admit that America looked ancient and full of wisdom. She clearly held all the earth had to offer in high regard, and, with the bow in her hand, she seemed to wield it with mastery.

"Would you like to see my world?" America (or Princess Migisi) asked. She was now in front of the other door, and outside Japan saw trees that were not there before, and even saw some blue light that didn't come from the moon or any form of house there.

He nodded mutely, and the Native American princess opened the door.

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