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China stared hard at the emotionless America, while a sweating Japan stood behind him in the latter's doorway. The female nation had just arrived as Japan was arguing with his former caretaker, and over Japan's friend nevertheless, and he ceased his—somewhat—yelling when America approached.

"Why are you here aru?" China spat, but America didn't flinch.

"I'm here to talk to Japan, Mr. Wang," she replied. "Is that a crime?"

"Is it a crime?" China repeated, somehow becoming more offended by the second. "Of course it is aru! You think that because this is your house that you can do whatever you want, don't you?! You have even turned my own brother against me!"

"I'm not your brother anymore China-san," Japan muttered in the background, and if China heard him, he ignored him.

America's eyes narrowed. "You seem to have forgotten my rules Mr. Wang,and it's either that, or you're trying to test my patience. Also, I had no involvement in your brother leaving you, for you did that all on your own, even today, and if I did I will not be afraid to admit it."


"Leave Yao Wang; it's clear that your brother doesn't want you here at the moment, and if you fail to comply..." America snapped her fingers, and a few otherworldly growls were heard. "I will not stop my roommates from doing whatever they wish to you."

China was sickly pale with fear and even trembling, but he tried to look intimidating nonetheless. "So you're going to kill me aru?" he asked.

America smirked. "Oh no, much worse than that if you don't leave right now. Trust me when I say that those who have gone through this fate will never be the same afterwards, and sometimes even commit suicide."

China choked on his own saliva.

"Now, I'm giving you until the count of five to get out of my sight." America held up her hand with all fingers outstretched, which stared to lower as she started counting. "One..."

Probably faster than the speed of light, China disappeared from her sight, and America stood there for a moment, making sure that the older nation was really gone, before turning to Japan.

"I didn't come at a bad time did I?" she asked.

Japan shook his head. "Iie, actuarry, I was about to come rooking for you."

"I got held up, sorry about that." America followed Japan into his room, where he closed and locked the door behind her. She held up the art book. "I got this, so I want you to look at the second to last photo in this book."

Japan took it from America and did as he was told, seeing a black and white photo of America lying on a white cotton bed, and close to an infant of Asian decent, eyeing the child with the look of a loving mother. Japan looked up at America, questioning.

"Do you remember Washington D.C.?" America asked.

Japan flinched, the only response he was able to give his friend. Kami, when Japan saw those burn scars on the boy, he almost gave in to the urge to throw up where he stood, because the boy's scars deeply resembled hamburger meat, and, after that, Japan never looked at meat the same way again.

It was so horrific to believe that England and Canada would do such a thing to a child, but then again Japan didn't doubt it at all, knowing how poorly those two talked about America and even treated her.

Wait, how did he know about Canada's cruelty when he can barely remember him?

"I do," he replied.

"Well, I'm sure he's mentioned me and a family," America continued on, watching Japan. "Did he also say something about state governments?"

"Hai, he—"Japan froze, now fully understanding. He stared at America with wide eyes, silently asking her to deny what he was thinking.

She didn't.

"If Evelyn was anything to go by, then yes, I am a mother, and the child in this photo—"She pointed to the picture—"is one of my youngest daughters. She is Kyleen, Kyleen Jones/Honda."

Japan blanched at the second last name, his last name. "Y-You mean...?"

"Yes, she is also your child Japan," America clarified. "She is the personification of Hawaii, born in 1900. No, we never had sex in any way, but after each state was born, it's pretty obvious of who the fathers are. I gave birth differently too, but I don't really know how to explain this to you without sounding crazy"

Japan was choking on the words he was forming. "A-And this...Anastasia?" he squeaked.

"She is Alaska, my youngest child and the daughter of Russia. She was born in 1912, and I will have you know that she's a little different from Russia. Also, I had to have her stay with me for the next couple of days because of what Virginia told me," America confirmed wearily.


"Evelyn," America clarified.

"S-So that have fi-fi-fi-fifty-one chirdren...?"

America hesitated before answering. "Yes."

Wow, who would've thought the ceiling would be so amazing to look at?

"Ah no..." Japan heard America groan before everything was silent.

America the Majestic (United States of America #2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ