French Twins

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"America, who's that?" England asked, motioning towards the door with a confused and awed expression on his face.

Turning that way, America couldn't help the smile that made its way to her lips. The girl in the doorway was shyly looking in, her long bright red hair peeking through.

"Mama?" the girl meekly called, her freckled cheeks blazing a strawberry red. America quietly cooed at this.

"Come in London, it's alright," she gently coaxed, and, hesitantly, the girl, London, obeyed.

London, or North Dakota, was a very beautiful but shy young girl with crystal blue eyes to complete that look. She was also wearing a white blouse and purple skirt, which was completed with black Maryjane shoes and the matching socks.

N. Dakota began to push her fingers together, trying not to break at the stares she was receiving. It probably didn't help her cause that her name was London and that she was talking in a Scottish accent.

"H-Hello," she greeted, inching closer to her mother while trying to not look awkward.

"America," England began, still keeping his eyes on the girl. "Did you just call her London?"

"Yes," America answered without hesitation. "This is North Dakota, or London Jones/Bonnefoy." She immediately covered her daughter's ears when the green-eyed nation and France screamed "WHAT?!"

"Y-You--why--" England was blubbering words that weren't making any sense, and he stared between N. Dakota and France and back, not sure of what to make of what he just heard. "You named her...France's daughter--London?!"

"A daughter--what?!" Now France looked like he wanted to run face first into a wall and hard too.

America wasn't paying attention as she turned to N. Dakota. "When did you get here, and where's your sister?"

N. Dakota quietly giggled nervously. "Um...well--"

"London!" A chipper voice called out, and a bug-eyed N. Dakota wasn't fast enough to dodge her twin sister S. Dakota, as the other girl raced into the room and brought her into a bone-crushing embrace. 

The new girl was a carbon copy of N. Dakota, with the same very long and silky hair, body figure, and face, but her hair was blonde, her eyes a deeper shade of blue, and, unlike N. Dakota, S. Dakota was more energetic and fun-loving, and she was wearing a neck-strap white dress that barely went past her knees and the matching sandals.

Oh, and her name happens to be Paris.

"London, you should've seen the dresses they sell here!" S. Dakota went on saying as she crushed her twin against her and jumped up and down in excitement. "We should've tried some of them on while we were heading over here!"

London was tense with pain and shock, unable to catch her breath, until America approached them and ripped them apart, much to S. Dakota's dismay.

"Alright Paris, that's enough now," the older woman said, laughter in her voice. "Now, are you two going to tell me when you've got here?"

The twins immediately got to business. "Well, there was a change of plans with our bosses, and they decided to let us out early so we can come here, and we didn't tell you because we wanted to surprise you," S. Dakota explained. "We also wanted to say hi to you before we went to the mansion, but...we didn't come at a bad time, did we?"

The twins looked around at the nations, most of whom were also looking between them and France, who now looked like he was about to bolt into a wall. Sighing, America grabbed rope from out of nowhere and tied both France and England together in a chair.

"Please don't destroy my walls, please?" she asked before returning to her daughters. "No, I don't believe you have come at a wrong time. We're just finishing up anyway, and has anyone else come with you?"

"Vermont has," N. Dakota replied, smiling a little. "In fact, he's heading to the house right now, and told us to say hi to you for him."

"He could've told me himself," America muttered before shaking her head in amusement. "Well, I appreciate that, now hurry along you two, your siblings should already be at the beach, so if you wish to join them, you better hurry."

The girls squealed at this point, and they clasped hands as they skipped out of the meeting room. After the door closed behind them, America turned to find England and France staring at her. Well, England was glaring, while France was still shell-shocked.

"How dare you!" England growled out, thrashing against his binds. "How dare you name a daughter of my enemy after my capital."

"A beautiful daughter...and yet," France was saying, but now he went back to mumbling something inaudible under his breath. However, America ignored them both as she got her papers together.

"If you all are just going to stand there and let yourselves starve then go ahead, but don't get angry with me for skipping lunch all on your own."

That snapped everyone out of their stupor, and they were once more gone before a normal human could keep up with them. And, for pity's sake, America released England and France, but kicked them out of the room before they could say another word to her.

Once she was sure everyone was gone, she proceeded to die of laughter.

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