Chapter 5

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Four whole hours we've been in the hospital and i have not yet once heard are seen any single detail of my niece or nephew,i'm physically and mentally freaking out because i hear Vanessa's screams even her cursing poor girl in so much pain she doe...

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Four whole hours we've been in the hospital and i have not yet once heard are seen any single detail of my niece or nephew,i'm physically and mentally freaking out because i hear Vanessa's screams even her cursing poor girl in so much pain she doesn't even care about the kids in here. i was pacing around the waiting room,my mom and ross's mom inside there with riker and vanessa, ross was stretched off on the chairs reading a book as i bit my finger nails nervously."you know if you continue doing that one, you won't have any finger nails left,and two,you'll lose weight and you already barely have on your bones.Laura please sit and calm down everything is going to be fine." ross said looking up from his book assuring me "so why haven't anyone come out to tell us anything,why is she screaming so much?" i asked my eyes widening even more as another ear piercing scream was released from vanessa "oh God ross." i mumbled "Laura,i don't know if you've heard but there's something called a contraction during pregnancy it is very painful,or she's probably pushing now, it's going to be fine" he said smiling up at me. then there was nothing,no screaming,no shouting,no crying,no nothing. then the sound of heels clicking on the tiled floor was heard,coming into view was my mother with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. "It's a girl!" she said/scream running up to me as we both began could just imagine two crazy females shouting ,laughing and screaming in the waiting room until a nurse came out and told us to tune down. "oh my god really,how is she?" ross asked coming up to us. "the baby is fine they both are fine although she gave us a scare,she wasn't crying when she came out,then when she felt riker touch she eventually did,then vanessa lost alot of blood but they are both okay" my mom said smiling "oh great when can we see them?" "any minute now,come lets go." my mom said leading the way as i grabbed ross's had hand began bouncing my way to my sister. Vanessa was a wild mess, sweat dripping down her face, her hair like as if a tornado went straight through it as she looked at her husband who was on the ground breathing heavy. "what's going on man." ross chuckled at his brother bending down to talk to him. "Ross,oh my god man, never have kids dude, i was at the brink of getting a aneurysm and vanessa began choking me, It was horrible,horrible i tell you, but then it got okay i have a daughter! but that doesn't take away the fact that my wife almost killed me." he said rubbing his throat making everyone laugh, even Vanessa who was mini glaring at him "i love you." she whispered smile "yea?i'm thinking you forgot that a few moments ago." riker said glaring at her in his funny way making everybody laugh again. Then everyone was left in utter amazement as the Princess herself was placed in vannesa's arms fully dressed and snuggled in her pink polka dot blanket. "Oh my god she's beautiful." i whispered tears coming to my eyes just the my dad and ross's dad mark walked in the room we all surrounded them as riker took a sit next to his wife on the bed "Oh god i'm crying my first grand-baby." Stormie ross's mom said tears flowing down her cheeks in utter joy. "What's her name?" ross asked smiling at Vanessa "Riley,Riley Adalia Lynch." Riker said a proud smile on his face as he gave his wife a quick kiss on the lips. "she's so beautiful."i gushed getting all giddy inside. "oh my gosh, i'm going to be the best aunt ever fyi we're gong to have spa dates, we'll go shopping, ride bicycles, go to the amusement park,go on trips-" i began bouncing on my spot as i started listing the things me and my niece were going to do but of course got interrupted,by Riker "Wow wow wow hold up wait a minutes let me out some rules in it." he sang shaking hi head, one hand held up in a stop position as his blonde hair shake on his head just like ross's does. "you will-"i began but was interrupted by his wife "Riker stop it you know that laura s a very trustworthy and capable individual o don't be rude" pouting he said "b-but babe..." "no buts" she said caressing her child's soft cheeks."What is this conversation even about it started with laura going all crazy then you two got involved,i'm so lost, sometimes i feel like i'm the only normal person when i'm with you guys,you're just weird." ross said leaning on the wall feet plait at the end one hand shoved in his pocket while the other moved about with everything he said. "shut it we are special people."i argued back an it was true normally we' have conversations that made no sense we didn't even know what we'd be saying we'd just talk random bull.

We spent three hours in the hospital with Vanessa and Riley, then when Riker left to buy food for her we decided to leave to a restaurant as well Mark and my dad had to leave of course, being business men weren't easy but they really do a great job at making time for there family. Mark owned his own Airport called Lynch Tower it was very successful and Ross is pretty much working there he is next in line for the business ,Riker never had a love for it and branched off into making his own company which is pretty successful. My dad has owns a bunch of motels and a Italian restaurant that my mom helps him run so they were almost always busy Vanessa works at a bridal store where she designs dressing and she's hella good at it too she designed her own wedding dress that was magnificent. While i am the little nerd Instead of going to college i'll be going straight into university but not until two years i need a break and also i was told i should allow myself to mature a bit more by my parents especially with the fact that ross wasn't going to be there but he'd be with his dad and he doesn't help that i don't have any other friends really. I'm considered weird yes, but i don't really think it's that bad but it hurts when i'm in school or on the road and want to be happy in my own weird way then gets looks from strangers i shrink and hide into a shell. But other times if i'm with ross i'd suck it up and pretend i don't see them because i know if ross senses a slight discomfort coming from me and realizes its some else....well let' just say he can be arrogant at times.

Wat's going on in that head of yours you're drooling 💦😂 -R

Thinking how stupid i was to be friends with you😠 - L

U love me 😍 - R

Unfortunately...... -L 

Smiling ross placed my hands into his "what going on up there" he said finger twisting around to point at my head "just how beautiful Riley is." i lied

"yea she is something huh, i can't wait to have kids....." he said then trailed off turning his face to the side as if the statement was impossible. grabbing his face gently i looked into his eyes "and you will." i said i don't know if it was a statement or a question but still.

"it's just that Modesty well she doesn't really want to have kids, and hell neither do i but someday you know i want but even thou modesty says not anytime soon i have a feeling she's saying not ever,i just i don't know,i know i shouldn't be worrying bout these things but i just cant help it, an what if one this days she ends up getting pregnant ,what is she gonna do through away the baby? i-i couldn't live with myself if she did that to our relationship."


"Ross i don't know what to tell you i'm not good at these stuff i can't help you with your girl problems. i have my own problems i can't even fix for myself....i really really wish i could but i'm not so blesses." i said the last part almost above a whisper.

"i know you're right....argh i just, Modesty and i have been arguing a lot lately and i need a friend to talk to,just someone,to help i guess, i just um i'm sorry you're right ,i'll um i'll go to Riker, gotta go i got work in the morning,see you later,laur love you.Text me!." ross said bending to kiss me on the cheek and walking out my bedroom door with his hand running through his hair.

This was a norm...........and it pained alot


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