NOT A CHAPTER( Author's note)

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Sorry for any inconvenience cause but just wanted to say something

*Inhale deeply* HELLO WORLD!! HI IT'S ME!.....Okay you don't care

so um i just wanted to say that i'm gonna be using girls that's in Ross (real) life.....i think (escape Courtney).....or maybe i'll use her later on idk yet.

so Laur is Ross's best friend

Olivia is Laura's friend ( and i guess Ross's too in a way)

and Maia Mitchell is gonna be Ross's girlfriend but i'm using her as Modesty

I doubt i'll be using Rydel but i love her so maybe wayyyyy later as a cousin or something.

Well i'll bring Stormie and mark more in later.......before they the book.(don't kill me)

So as of know i'm using random really cute baby girls as Riley.

It's hard to find pictures of Vanessa and riker together and i suck at photo shopping so  yeaaa.

one more thing i just have to get off my chest


I seriously don't know n it's freaking me out.

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