My girls

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Just aquick reminder remeber laura had backed out and slept for three days, and in the last chapter she hadcounted hat she was there for a total of three days, that in her opinion, so it's six days in all since she's been captured.


Ross's POV

six days ago, i lost the only two most important females left in my life.

Laura and Riley.

After i tried to fend off the Valona's men, i got shot which instantly sent me to the ground, I heard them talking and they thought i was dead so they left me, one of the saying something like the girl was there main objective. so they left me there to bleed out and die.

i knew that i didn't have long, so i crawled my way out of the forest, bleeding from my leg in agony and pain.

When i made it back to the main road a old couple driving by found me and got me to a hospital.

after my surgery and being treated wasted no time in contacting Uncle Shawn, in no time they picked me up from the hospital and we ended up in one of tthe warehouses he has set up.

I knew this Valona thing was going on sense before christmas but it hadn't gotten so bad, i hadn't taken it that serious back then.

but something kep nagging me at the back of my head, so i got y uncle's men to put a tracker in the ring that i had gottan Laura fro her Christmas and I necklace that i had gotten for Riley.

They tracked them down and are currently on an assignent to get them back.

"I told you, you should have sent me!" I said to my uncle passing up and dow.

ehewas currently on coms with his guys and the ground as the attempted to retrieve My girls.

"And what then Ross! You have no field skills, knowing to shoot a gun along does not cut it on the battle field. I am not going to lose my only nephew!" Uncle shawn shouted.

i swore angrily as i ran m hands axiously through my hair.

"Whaat are they saying do they have them? is Riley safe, what about Laura, I swear if he touches her i will kil-" I started

"Be quiet Ross!" My uncle shouted at me.

i frustrated me that i didn't know what was going on, and that i couldn't help

how could you, you're still healing from a gun shot wound.

i DON'T CARE i want my girls safe.

My Laura.

I miss my Laura, i'm so stupid for not telling her before that i was in love with her, i was just scared that it would ruin our friendship, even after she told me she loved me. i was stupid.

All of a sudden my uncle turned swiftly to me.

i moved my hands from my mouth staring back at him.

"They have them, they're safe."

My eyes widen in realization.

My girls are coming home!

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