Time & Time Again

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2 months later

"Riley open." i repeated for the third time to the infant in front of me sitting in her high chair as i tried to feed her pumpkins with she refused to eat.

"No." she said crossing her arms as she pouted. her 'no' coming out as if she was saying 'now'

"Riley, i will not repeat my self.just one spoon left" i said I sternly, she looked at the pumpkin in the spoon and slowly eat. making her face up, i chuckled as I placed the spoon into the bowl and placed them unto the table.

i released Riley from her high chair and placed her on the ground , she crawled to the living room.

sighing i got up from my seat and finished washing the wears.

I glanced at the kitchen clock that hung above the door.

9:47 PM

Ross wasn't home yet.

i sighed and turned back to the dishes.

it's been like that lately, he's been coming home extremely late like, like 2:00 AM late.

at first i thought it was just busy he's been busy, but it's just been so weird.

he would slip into bed slowly and quietly as possible.

i would stare at him when i heard his soft snores.

when i finished washing the dishes, i put Riley to bed , took a shower and came down to the living room, And watch jimmy fallon, until my phone rang.

"Baby wassup." Olivia's voice made me smile as i stretched my feet out on the coach.

"Nothing really." I mumbled softly

"Ross isn't home yet?" she asked. of course she knew she was my best friend

"N-no." i softly replied.

"I'm sure he has A reasonable explanation, why don't you ask hi-"

"I already asked him and all he said was he's busy, and he brushed my off. I feel like he's avoiding me, he's never home, And Riley constantly asked for him, he come late at night and leaves early in the morning." i said almost on the verge of tears.

"Sweet hear, you need to calm down and listen to me, i'm sure Ross has A reason, i mean he's still young you know-"

"I am too!" i almost shouted.

"I know laura, i know. but you should really ask him, take control, don't allow him to ignore it anymore, plus you should be taking you're beauty sleep you have A big date tomorrow." she said excitedly.

it's true after A while of just talking , Omar finally asked me out.

i was beyond ecstatic.

"You're right." i said inhaling. "i'm going to go to bed and have the most amazing sleep ever then wake up fresh for my date at fur, thanks liv, i love you." i said smiling

"Love you too, take it easy." She said then ended the call.

oh ross, i wish you weren't this complicated .


"Ouch." I whined as i kicked my toes trying to put on my shoe

how possible?

it's called the laura marano concept.

"Laura, you need to calm down, as much as this is widely entertaining for both Riley and i, we don't want to see you kill your self." Liv said from the bed where she and riley sat watching me.

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