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Shawn left shortly after the big bang happened.

ross and I were now sitting alone in the living room.

"Is this why you've been so distant lately? why you've always been gone?" I asked him not looking at him but at riley sleeping in his arms.

They're comfortable right Riles? i know.

"I wanted to tell you Laur, I-I just didn't know how, i mean your father died and then hearing this, i just didn't know how you'd take it.I thought that'd i'd be able to hide it, or at least old it off for A while till i work things out" He said his voice holding so much emotion.

"I-i....maybe you're right ross, but something like this you just don't keep from people." I said to.

"You're right and I'm so sorry laura. i don't want you to ever feel like i'm ignoring you, or trying to avoid you." he said his voice low as he look at me as he spoke.

"What was it that Shawn told you, when I walked in?" i asked him

"One o Valona's Men have been captured at one of the Warehouses I have set up, he's being interrogated,Shawn told me that the captured said that Valona planned on Raping you fo revenge on what your dad did.i will not allow him to touch you, I can't live with myself if i allowed that." he said He clenched and unclenched his jaw, his hands in fist.

i forced to swallow the thick saliva in my throat. I felt like vomiting again.

"Laur, I didn't want to tell you this." Ross said he wrapped me in his arms hugging me tightly.

"I-it's okay."

"No it's not

"But it will be." I reassured him lifting my head off his chest and grasping his face in my hands.

"Let's go to bed we have A busy day tomorrow." he said.

When i finished showering I crawled walked back into the bedroom to find Ross alone as he scowled through his phone.

"What are you going to tell Modesty?" I asked as i crawled into bed and under the covers.

"I'll have to make something up, i don't want her getting involved." He said placing his phone on the sofa.

"Sometimes, i get so angry with my family so much for doing this to us, for leaving us, but then again none of that would of happened if it wasn't our graduation." he said after A full twenty minutes of silence my head was on his chest and i had thought that he had fallen asleep.

"Ross, you can't... you can't say things like that." i said raising up to look at him.

i ran my hands through his soft, thick hair.

I knew the movement would put him to sleep.

"Can't I?, laur look were we are, your dad had to die for us to find out stuff like this, I can't even tell the last time i've been to A party. I know it sounds selfish but, i'm Eighteen(Or nineteen i can't remember.but i have a good guess that it's eighteen) heck, i don't even know.......laur you're putting me to sleep." He said the last part slowly i saw his eyes dropping.

i didn't stop my movements

soon soft snores erupted from his mouth.

i knew he was exhausted.

both physically and mentally.


within Five hours we boarded A private plane.

ross wouldn't tell me were to.

all he told me was that we were going to A safe house.

When we finally did reach the safe house. we were all exhasuted.

it was A wooden building not too big, but not too small either it face a beautiful psture filed with flowers that i know Riley would love to play in.

but we weren't here for leisure this is life and death.

Ross left a few hours after we unpacked to fetch wood.

we had argued about the fact of him haviing A gun.

an argument which i lost, but of course with the kind of work he was doing, and with this people after us, he needed it.

"Riley babe stop." I said to the infant as i bathed her she was splashing in the water and soap in my eyes.

"Mama, do, do mama, do." She said asking my to splash the water on her.

smiling i splashed a little causing her to burst out A big laugh.

smiling  as I dried her skin.

ross walking through the front door made her get all the more excited.

i dressed her in some clothes that would keep her warm since it'll be cold up here.

i changed and took a cold shower. which i did not like.

"you're getting signal?" i asked ross walking out the room with long sleeping pans and one of ross's long sleeve jersey my wet hair wrapped in a towel.

he was fixing the a television. the old television.

he fixed the antennas a little then the scream clear up.

the news showing.

"thank god mom sent us to those ranger clubs huh?" he asked smirking.

he knew how much i hated it there but in truth we did learn stuff.


extremely short chapter

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