Mild & Wild

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"Riles you're gonna wake mommy up,shh."

Ross's Voice was the first thing i heard when i woke up.

"Mommy?!" Riley's voice sounded, close to me while, Ross's seemed a bit away

"Yes,baby,shh." he whispered again loud enough for her to hear.

"Daddy?" she asked, her voice pushing me to smile.

"Yes riles." Ross replied, i slightly opened eyes, i took A while to adjust, then I saw him pulling A shirt over his head.

"Mommy uyo7uihli7btvi67vi (BABY TALK)" She rambled ross watched her as if he understood what she was saying.

"Yea she's sleeping, and you should too."

it was amusing how they communicated.

there was silence then i felt the bed moved then small hands touched my face. it moved up to my forehead then down on my eyes. she peeled one eye open then laughed at how it look i guess. she moved her small hands lower, i felt her body pressed against my face, her fingers searched my nose. deciding that i'd allow her to have enough fun, i counted to three.

"ROAR!" i said shouting opening my eyes and mouth causing her to jump back eyes, wide as her mouth left opened.

i started cracking up at how she jumped, then after A few minutes i realize she hadn't moved and i started regretting my move, when i was about to pick her up, she started laughing, laughing so hard that she fell back on the bed laughing.


"You just got served!" Ross said cracking up as well.after at how riley tricked me and how i fell for it.

"Wow." was all I said before throwing my feet over the bed.

i tested the waters by letting my toes first touch the cold wooden floor. my feet immediately pulled back then i did it all over again then slowly stood up and stretched.

I left Ross and Riley playing on the bed and walked into the kitchen.

the windows were A bit fogged and the place seemed fresh, like early morning and nature, it cause A smile to immediately come on my face as my toes curls.

i opened the door and walked into the veranda. it was A small wooden work,that had four chairs and A table.

i took one step looked around.

it was just peaceful, it's just sad of the circumstances that we were here.

sighing i walked back in and locked the doors.

"Ross!" I called out, though it was small, i was too lazy

"Yea, in here." His voice sounded in the small living room.

he was on the floor with riley they were seated on the carpet.

"How long will we be here?" i asked him sitting next to him.

"May just for A week. two for the longest." He said looking up at me.

his hazel eyes bright and shining.

ross was A masterpiece. his whole structure, his personality, his voice his everything.

He's amazing isn't him, if only you had him

you're evil.

no we're evil...i am you after all.

sighing i placed my head on his shoulder, riley was crawling around the living room, giggling to herself.

"You know she's cheating on me." He said after A few moments of silence

before i could even say anything he started again.

"A-and i feel like A Enormous Jackass.for going back to her then to let this happen, and then i find out that it's been happening since before when we were together before,and-and Gosh! I just feeling so damn stupid!: He said gripping his hair.


"You know Vanessa always tried to tell me, but i was so blinded by love that i couldn't see the possibility of her cheating on me, there were so many hints! the constant text messages from a number that she never saved, Always being busy, that fact there she smelt like Brut..Gosh i'm an idiot." He said angrily.

"Ross just calm down-."

"Gosh because of her, my stupidity i didn't even see what was in front of me, that someone was giving me their love.I was so afraid to tell you when i was younger, I made myself believe that you didn't feel the same way and the best way to get over that was to date some else.i was just stupid"he said he had gotten up, and on reflex so did I.

Riley sat in the middle of the living room Staring at Ross with wide eyes.

He had my head in his hands.

"I Love you Laura,I've loved you even before i knew what the word love meant I just i was so stupid." He said

No this wasn't happening.

"W-what? Yo-You've loved me all this time?!" I asked him moving out of his grasp.

"Yes." He breathed.

"Oh, God." I breathed hardly, my heart was beating so fast. "So r-ross what happened when i confessed,when I told you how I felt?" I ask i could seriously hear my heart thumping through my ear.

My head started to spinning

"I-I wasn't available."He said, his voice getting hoarse.

"No Ross!No! I will not let you do this to me, i will not be your rebound just because Modesty cheated on you. So i will be the thing you've asked me to be and that is A best friend, I am going to use the bathroom, and when we get back we are going to talk like civil people." I said, i hadn't even realize i was crying, until i had the urge to sniff.

I walked out of the living room and into the bathroom swiftly.

I held unto the sink As I looked at my self in the mirror.

my eyes were getting puffy.

How could he do this to me.

I wasn't going to allow it as much as it pained to.


Yes that may be true but,he was hurt and in pain, he would do anything, and wasn't thinking straight, i wasn't going to jump over the moon because of this,then have him regret it later on when he's in A better mood. when you have A heart break you'd do anything to not feel what you are.

wiping my cheeks.

I inhaled deeply

"You are beautiful, Know your self, Know your worth.Be strong, be bold, be beautiful." i said to myself before turning away from the sink to exit the bathroom.

Oh Ross, and I thought i was always the wild one.

You're suppose to be calm.......Mild

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