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"D-did you hear that?" Ross asked shooting up from my neck.

"Oh my God Ross she called you dada." I said putting the knife doing and quickly sprinting to the living room to find Riley made her face like she's about to cry. "Da da." she whimpered as ross picked her up

"She said it again. AHhhhh. oh my gosh ross that was her first word, ross she called you dada." i was now on the Sofa jumping up and down with excitement. then it hit me, she was going to call me mama soon. "oh no no no no." i said getting off of the SOFA ross had riley in her armslooking at her as if she was from another planet, i guess it hit him too. "Riley say ross and laura. rosssss and lauraaaa." i said coming u to them she looked at me and started giggling sucking onher fingers. "da da." she said to me stretching her arms out for me to take her. "Laura you can't force her, if we're the only faces she sees most of the time and we're the ones who take care of her most obviously she's gonna call us mom and dad." He said looking at me. "I know but what would vanessa say if she was here, i just i don't think she'd want her hild calling someone else mom and dad." i tried to reason we were both sitting down on the Sofa riley now trying to put ross's blonde hair in her mouth as he pulled it out of her hands. "Yes, but laura we are the ones they ut to take care of her, if she was older and knew them we could probably do something about it but she's just a baby there isn't much you can do about that. " he said, i guess he was right she was a six month old you couldn't really do much about it.

"Da da." she said playing with ross's hands maybe ten times bigger than her mall ones.

"hey baby girl." he said playing with her cheeks. "i guess i really am A dad now huh." he said leaning back into the Sofa "So when are you gonna say mama princess?" he asked riley stretching bring his hands behing his head. i watched riley as she turned her face opening her mouth "ma." she said softly then repeated it loudly. "Ross! she said it." i said it getting all giddy inside. "Oh my god." he said laughing tis is crazy.

"Ross." i called his name realisation now kicking in. "We're parents" i said almost freaking out.

"yea, and i'm single, let's celebrate." he said laughing as he got up.

"There's no time for celebrating we leave in an hour, i have to start packing." i said getting up and placingRiley on the ground where she could play with some toys.




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