Bed Breakers.

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The next morning i woke  up to giggling and A slobber.

I felt the cold wet thing running down my right cheek as I slept.

I could feel Riley' body being pressed against my shoulder as one of her small hands lay on my ear.

I don't know what happened next but Riley exploded into laughter.

My eyes flew open by her out burst landing On Ross's figure Dancing weirdly.

His hands in the air wiggling while his tongue was stock out his mouth with his eyes closed.

when he opened his eyes and saw me looking at him. he stopped dancing and instantly began blushing. embarrassed.

When he saw the smile on my face he winked at me and continued dancing as Riley cracked up besides me.

I moved my arm and wrapped it around her.

She squealed when I picked her on and hang her in the air.

"Mammy!" She giggle even more slobber escaped.

Ross dived into the bed next to me.

A sudden loud creak and then A cry.

and before i knew it i felt my body shift and I my body position was lower.

I looked around A saw Ross froze in position eyes wide A shocked expression on his face, Riley mirroring his same expression.

"Oh my god-hahahah-oh gee-hahahaha." I started cracking up placing Riley on the Ross's chest. "Oh gosh- did you just-hahaha-oh god-you broke it-hahaha-did you just break the bed? Hahahaha!!!" I cracked up.

Clutching my stomach As I laughed.

"It's not funny Laur." Ross whined putting Riley between us and hiding his face in the crook of my neck.

"Oh gosh you broke it!" I laugh tears streaming down my cheeks.

Riley started laughing.

"hey! that's not fair Riles, you're supposed to me on my side."Ross whined at the baby between us, pulling her cheeks.

when I had calmed down and wiped the tears from my cheeks. 

"Oh my god! that was so good, i can't tell when last I laughed like that." I said with A clap.

Ross smiled up at me.

I returned his smile with A lopsided grin and ran my hand through his hair.

"I have some news for you." I said softly.

I barely heard what he said, me being distracted by his beautiful hazel eyes.

"Yea,What's that?" I ask, my hands never ceasing to comb through his golden locks.

"We're living in A few." He said slowly.

His words slowly processed in my brain.

"We're what? We're leaving!" I asked 

"Yup,  Uncle Shaun called, he said, that they've gotten A few leads and they believe everything is okay, and they've got things under control,we can go home."

"Oh my god!" I screamed excitedly, jumping over the bed frame. running straight for the closet. I pulled mines and Riley's suitcase in front of me. flinging the closet open i roughly grabbed all the clothes off of the hangers and shoved them into the suitcases.

"Okay Laur calm down, you ripe the clothes and break the hangers." Ross chuckled picking Riley up as he got up.

"Calm down? I wanna get the heck outta this place bruh." I said not lifting my head up as I continued my work.


"Get me outta here!" I shouted as we drove through the foreign town.

After we drove a good few hours through the beautiful forest, we surprisingly entered A cozy town. 

Ross chuckled besides me. He were dark fitted joggers,dark grey t shirt and Nike athlete shoes.He encouraged me to wear Black leggings with A black long sleeve fitted t-shirt white A black Nike athlete shoes on my feet. even Riley were all black.

I played with the Labella Princess ring on my finger.

"I don't want you to ever take that ring off." Ross stated.

"Yes sir." I said saluting.

I heard him laugh.

"I'm serious Laur, don't ever take it off."

"I never have, sense the moment I got it." I said smiling at him.

I watch as the smile was wiped from his face.

he stared hard at the windshield

"Wha-what's wrong?" I asked panicking.

his Jaw clenched. he began driving even more fast.

"Laura i want you to grab Riley." He said sternly.


"Just do it!" he demanded.

I took off my seat belt  and lean over my chair, unhooking Riley from her Baby seat.

I looking up, I saw Two black SUVs driving  fast behind us.

Oh God.


Cliff Hanger.




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- cimicha

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