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Austin Mahone = Omar  Pharell

Justin Bieber = Amar Pharell

Hate can be defined  a deep and extreme emotional dislike towards someone or something.

I never knew that just upon one glance, Someone that you had feeling for, that you considered trust wordy could simply turn into the enemy.

"You." I said raising  trembling finger at him.

his eyes stared back at me, his jaw slack, not from shock, but i don't know something else, he rolled his tongue in his mouth as if wanted to say something but couldn't find the words.

"Get.away.from.her." i said through gritted teeth, my tears like a fountain just pouring out with no control.

"Laura I-" he tried to explain, walking towards me.

"I SAID GET AWAY FROM HER!" i screamed, my vision blurry due to my tears.

i marched towards him, and grabbed my child out of his arms.

with one swift movement i slapped his hard across his cheek.

his head turn from the impact. "Probably deserve that and worse."He said as he turned his face back towards me, his expression sad.

"aha dear brother, so i see got a dose of what this bitch can do." Amar appeared behind us.

Walking up to him angrily i pointed a finger in his face. "You better watch that mouth of yours before i choke you with your balls." I spat before walking away to a chair where i sat and hugged riley.

"Sexy! yet terrifying, but sexy!" Amar said smirking.

I bit back the profanities that threaten to spill out y mouth.

could ross riley be gone? looking down at riley my became teary again as i fiddled with the ring that ross gave me on my pointer finger.

"Heyy how about we say, i get a round with her first and father doesn't even know, you get second." I heard Amar speak to his brother Omar.

"Shit up A!" he shouted at him.

"Hey it's not my fault, you were assigned a mission and fell for the chick, you know if dad only knows you're dead. should have just sent me. I am the older one anyways." Amar said before walking away.

I Heard a sigh from omar before he walked up to me.

"I know you hate me-"He started

"Why" i cut him off.

"uh...I didn't have any other choice Laura." he started sitting on the floor in front of me.

I was so emotional right now i couldn't think straight. I lost my best friend and the love of my life while being captured by a mad man, while a practically kinda had feelings for one of his sons and the other well, wants to have his way with me, while i had my niece in y hands, feeling all alone.

"i-My father, who 'm guessing you know now, Stewart Valona, he the gang leader, and i'm guessing you know the father asked me to,get close to you, because we're around the same age, and uh he wanted me to bring you in, but not rush things you know, but then you and ross vanished, and uh i didn't know where you were, which backfired causing my dad to be angry at you so uh, that's why i called you that night."

"You tracked my" i said

At this moment i couldn't even cry anymore, i was so numb, my body craved for ross's and there's nothing that i could do.

"Yeah." was all he said.

"so what that's, what you do,you hunt girls down whose parents had beef with your dad, just so  your dad could rape and kill them?" I ask riley sleeping in my arms.

"I didn't have any choice laura, he's my father! i can't disobey him, the time i did that he kill my mother!" He said broken before falling into tears.

i looked at him, bit my lip and looked up to the roof.

"Yea, well shit happens, my life is no better." 

after he finished breaking down, he got up and walked away

all i wanted was my ross.


Sorry this chapter sucked, i had written it a while ago but didn't continue, when i desided to continue,.....well that's happened.

forgive me

Mild One Wild One || Raura✔Where stories live. Discover now