reality | fifteen

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"This doesn't mean I lost my dream,
It's just right now I got a really crazy mind to clean."

. . . . .

Warmth consumed me as I pulled myself deeper into the pile of blankets on top of me. There was always tension in my muscles when I woke up, but today it seemed like nothing. A light smile formed on my lips as I shut my eyes tighter, letting my consciousness drift in and out of sleep. I wished I could wake up like this everyday.

. . . . .

"Well aren't you in a good mood." Tyler noted as he sat next to me on the counter in the kitchen.

I nodded my head in conformation as I spooned another helping of cereal into my mouth. Though my dream the night before had been the calmest I've had in months, it still put me on edge. Like the next time I closed my eyes something extra horrible might happen. But even so, I pushed that feeling away and let excitement take over me.

"Shouldn't you be like nervous or something?" Tyler eyed me skeptically as he hopped off the counter top and placed his bowl into the sink. "Today is thanksgiving after all."

"Is it?" I spoke sarcastically, tilting my head slightly. "I had no idea."

"You know, Josh, one of these days you're going to sass me and something not so nice is going to happen." He shook a finger at me as he headed out of the kitchen. "And fix your hair before we leave, it looks ridiculous."

My hand instantly found its way to my hair, which had been freshly dyed a bright shade of pink just a few days before. It was something I liked to do often as my way of starting my life fresh and a way of expressing myself where my voice fell short. I patted the fluffy mass, sighing heavily.

Though Tyler was only joking, he sure as hell knew how to bring me back down to earth. Happy mood or not, I had to remember that today was the day I needed to keep my head on straight in hopes of making a good impression on Bryce's sister. I needed her to like me.

"When are we going over to Bryce's anyway?" Tyler's head popped back in through the doorway. "I've got to let Jenna know."

I shrugged. "Around 3."

"Perfect!" He grinned and disappeared once again.

I knew Tyler was only doing this for me. It wasn't that he didn't like Bryce, or Johnny for that matter, it was the fact that he wanted me to feel as comfortable as possible in their home and being there alone wouldn't help that fact. I was so lucky to call him my best friend and I tried to remind myself of that everyday.

Holidays had never really been my thing, especially Christmas and Thanksgiving. There was just too much forced happiness that went along with it that I couldn't bring myself to feel. But this year was going to be different. I was actually going to try this time.

Once I had finished my breakfast, I slid off the counter and did as Tyler had minutes before, placing my empty bowl into the sink. I padded into the living room, pulling at the waistband of my athletic shorts so they came up a little higher on my hips. I then plopped down on the couch next to Tyler, leaning over to see the text conversion he was having with Jenna.

"Excuse you," He paused for a second to shoot me a playful glare before going right back to typing, not actually caring that I read his messages.

I smiled and let out a long sigh before I leaned back against the couch cushions and flipped on the tv. Though I tried to distract myself with the images that placed across the screen, the only thing on my mind was the fact that I'd be seeing Bryce in a few short hours.

Mr. Misty-Eyed | Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now