Chapter 2

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pic above is Emery Gallager

"Today we are having a new student" A plump woman with bright pink cheeks said beaming. "c'mon introduce yourself" I walked in quietly and examined the class, i was already nervous, i rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans, my blue eyes met with brown eyes that glared at me, it was the boy with dark brown hair from the hallway. He looked at me with such hatred that left me wondering what I've done, i never met him in my life, i mean i would know if i have he was so friggin' attractive, so why did he look at me with such scorn.

The plump woman, her name Mrs Langraab cleared her throat loudly pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I'm Raevan" I said looking at the floor.
"your last name" Mrs Langraab questioned. I didn't have a last name, never had since the orphanage, I was wondering if i should go with that, but then that would just make me weirder than i already am.

"Petrelli" I blurted out. I hoped Katherine won't be mad i was using her last name, she was going to adopt me anyways, she was waiting for my permission and quite frankly i would have said yes in a heartbeat but then if i get adopted and my abilities go out off control again, it would hurt her. I don't want that to happen to Katherine.

"Okay Mr Petrelli, take the empty seat near Emery" she said pointing at the boy who looked at me with as much hatred as possible. I gulped, of all the seats.....why did it have to be near him.

I walked awkwardly to the empty seat setting my backpack on the floor and sitting down, i could feel Emery's eyes boring through me. Mrs Landgraab started teaching. I stole a glance at Emery, he was paying attention to Mrs Langraab explain trigonometry, his eyes squinted and his nose scrunched a little, it was as if he was trying to understand her, I gathered maths might be a problem from him. He was simply adorable. His beautiful pink bow lips and perfect nose, not too small but not to big, I've never bothered about my sexuality before, At the orphanage i was occupied with how my powers made all my friends stay away from me and coping with how to deal with it going out of control which obviously didn't go well.

So me looking at this beautiful dark brown haired boy with luscious lips that hates me for reasons i don't know, mean i'm into guys? He turned an caught me looking at him. I looked away immediately,i could feel heat rise to my cheeks. He caught me looking at him, shit. He's probably gonna think i'm a freak.

"you are a freak, you murdered those people remember" My inner demons sneered.


The bell rang. I got up ready to leave and someone pulled my shirt roughly, i stumbled backwards hitting Emery on the chest. It felt hard and chiseled.

"where you off to so quick" He hissed. Mrs Langraab gave him a look, He hung his hand round my neck

"gonna show the new guy around" Emery said smiling at Mrs Landgraab. We walked out of class. We reached the boys bathroom and he pushed in and closed the door.

"E...Emery whatever i...i did i...m s...orry" I said stuttering, i was scared, not scared of him but for him, what if something in me lashes out and hurts him or worse the entire school.

His fists connected to my face. I sprawled on the ground, i could taste a metallic substance. He grabbed me and punched me again.

"why did it have to be you and not her" He growled punching me again and again. pain rang throughout my entire skull. I looked at him, hatred filled his brown eyes. What did i do to him, why does he resent me so much i thought. what was he talking about. He punched me again this time directly at my stomach i groaned in pain, clutching my stomach trying to breathe.

He loomed over me and kicked my rib area. I felt my eyes water up, i coughed up blood that splattered over the white floor.
"stop.....please" I wheezed.

Emery didn't stop, he grabbed me and pushed me to wall, he punched me again...and again and again.
"stop....STOP!!!" I yelled in a voice that didn't seem like mine and then the windows in the bathroom above me shattered instantly. Emery was sent flying across the bathroom as he hit the wall hard, he blacked out immediately.

"" I cried pulling my hair looking at his body unmoving and his head bleeding. I ran out and called for help, soon Emery was rushed to the nurses office.

Katherine was called to school. And she and the principal had a long talk

I waited outside his office and all i could think of was what i did to Emery, he had hit the wall with so much force, i was scared he could die. This is why i didn't want to be around people, my first day here and i had almost killed someone, My curse, My cursed wasn't flames this time, why was i different, what am i. All these questions circled around my head.

"Thank you Mr thorne" I hear Katherine say after stepping out of the principals office.

We walked to her car, she was quiet as we drove back to my shack.

"well you look like shit" she deadpanned breaking the silence

"thanks, you should see the other guy" I replied sarcastically.

Katherine sighed. "what happened'. I couldn't say anything, of course i couldn't tell her about my abilities. "we fought and i pushed him to hard" i lied

Katherine laughed. "you're a scrawny kid, you can't push someone that hard"

My eyes widened "Oh fuck, is he okay, is he gonna die" I said my lips quivering. "No he's not, he just had a mild concussion". I was relieved, i didn't kill him.

"Is there something you want to tell me Rae" Katherine said looking at the road. My face paled, i looked out the window.
"Raevan" She said.

"Nothing" I replied

"The windows were shattered and even the mirror" She pressed on "Did you do that". I could feel blood wash away from my face. What do i do, did she know, is she going to abandon me? I deserved it i'm cursed, i'm a murderer.

"i....I" I tried to respond.

"tell me when you're ready to sweetie" She responded parking in front of my shack. She looked at me. "be more careful next time, you got off the hook because you were being bullied and it was self defense. and that kid Emery has a lot of issues stay away from him"

I nodded, i still didn't know why he hated me so much but i need to know. I also needed to know something else and i asked.

"Katherine can you please find out about who my real parents are"

A/N: And there is chapter 2 vote if you like and don't forget to comment and ask any questions if you don't understand about the book, of course there would be other POV's later in the chapters

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