Chapter 11

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Ezra sat cross-legged on his throne, the throne. His face rested on his knuckles. He was dressed in a dark suit and his dark brown hair was perfectly styled. In front of him was his trusted and most loyal servant, a red head  demon named Erin.

"My king" Erin said, he voice with respect as she knelt down in front of Ezra. Erin would do anything for her king, Ezra had rescued her from some angels that killed her family, he took her in and trained her. The king had been there for her and she was forever indebted to him.

"Erin, what brings you here" Ezra asked, his voice soft but full of authority.

"The council has requested your presence" Erin replied gazing at the floor.

Ezra clenched his jaws, he had a feeling what the council wanted. Ezra stood up from the throne and and walked out of the throne room with Erin close behind him. Ezra walked into a room, the room and candles lit, producing dim lights to the room. In front of him the were six figures, they wore dark hooded cloaks, their faces were hidden. They were very tall with hunched backs, the sat on chairs that looked old and cobwebbed.

"Why have you summoned me" Ezra asked folding his arms.

"We heard a rumor" one of the figures started, it's voice was rasp and eerie.

Ezra frowned.

"King Ezra is true a child was born of you and an arc angel" another figure said pointing it's long bony clawed finger at Ezra.

"YOU DARE QUESTION YOUR KING" Ezra bellowed blue flames erupting from his body. Erin flinched behind him shielding herself from the flames.

"King Ezra of the demons, we are the council members, sure you are our king but there are laws passed down from your grandfather to your great grandfather, and we've always followed those laws".

Ezra gritted his teeth, he knew the council members existed since the old religion, they were as ancient as time itself. He had broken the most sacred law, falling in love with angel.

"A child born of angel and demon is an abomination, the child will wield unspeakable amount of power, and if it falls into the angels side they would win this war" one of the Council announced.

Ezra feared this was going to happen. The moment the love of his life, the arc angel named Avira was pregnant. There had been no record of an infant born of angel and demon.

"So answer my question, my king" the figure asked.

"Don't you dare question me based on some rumor, we are done here" Ezra said and walked out, Erin followed him.

Erin had heard the rumors too but she wanted her head where it belonged so she did not question her king. To think her king committed an act like that, she chose to believe it was a rumor, angels were despicable. There was no way the king of demons would break their laws.


Raevan's pov

"Did you start the fire Raevan" Emery asked me again. I felt my heart beating rapidly against my chest, my lips quivering.


"It wasn't his fault" Dante spat out.

"It was....I did, I couldn't control it, I murder them, everyone in that orphanage".

Tears were falling out of my eyes uncontrollably now. I felt Dante's hand on my shoulder.

"Rae, you heard my dad, a demon intensified your abilities that day" Dante said softly.

I looked at Emery. He was looking at the table, his hands clenched into a fist. I couldn't rely what was going on in his mind or read his emotions.

Emery took in a deep breath, closing his eyes. "I'm gonna find out what really happened that night" he said, he stood up and walked out of the cafe.

"It's okay Rae, he'll come around" Dante said.


"What's on your mind" Katherine asked at dinner.

"Nothing" I replied

I couldn't bring Katherine into this supernatural life. I washed up and went to my room. I slid out of my clothes and plopped on my bed. I looked at my hands, what kind of demon am i or am I angel or some hybrid, I wondered.

I shut my eyes concentrating hard, I felt a tingly sensation inside me, I steadied my breathing, a tiny blue flame emitted from my hand. I opened my eyes too look at it, it looked so beautiful. Then it started to grow,

"shit shit shit" I groan trying to put it out. It was gonna grow and destroy everything, my mind instantly went to Katherine, she was going to get hurt, the scene at the orphanage played in my mind again.

"You're in control" a voice said behind me. I turned to see a man standing near my window. He's voice was velvety and had a hint of authority.

"I'm in control, I'm in control" I said shutting my eyes tight, the blue flames vanished. I was relieved, I turned to look at the man. He smiled at me his brown eyes twinkling. I remembered what Emery said about a man appearing to him and helping him.

"E...Ezra" I said instinctively backing away from the man.

"Ah so you know my name" he said with amusement.

"What do you want" I growled.

"Well I just thought it was about time I saw my son " he said shrugging. I felt my jaw unhinged.

"Yes, I'm your father, the king of demons is your father" he said waving his hands dismissively.

He must have seen my look of disbelief when he waved his hand and blue flames appeared, he moved it around so beautifully and elegantly.

"Do you believe me now" he said smiling.

I blinked, my dad was the king of demons, Ezra the impaler of angels. I felt anger surge through me.

"I only have two questions for you and I want you to answer them and then it never want to see you again" I said gritting my teeth.

Ezra's smile faded, hurt registered in his eyes.

"Question one, I'm sure you've heard about a fire that burned down the orphanage years ago, a friend of mine thinks something amplified my powers and made it go out of control, did you have anything to do with that" I asked glaring at him.

Ezra looked at me, as if he was trying to read me.


"Second question, is my mom alive, what does she look like" I asked eagerly.

Ezra smiled "That's three questions, of course she's alive, and she's still the most beautiful creature I've ever met, you look just like her"

I couldn't help but smile, Ezra moved closer to me.


"Don't call me that" I snap at him. He sighed

"I don't know what you've heard about me, but if you're angry at your mother and I for abandoning you, it was to protect you" Ezra said looking at me with his intense brown eyes. "Your mother wept when she had to let you go"

I felt my eyes tear up, then I remembered Dante's words, Ezra was a liar and a deceiver. "Leave" I said. Ezra clenched his jaws and then he disappeared.

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