Chapter 12

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Pic up is Emery played by Cameron Dallas

Emery's POV*

"Emery what's wrong with you" Gabriel asked. It was lunch at school and Gabe, Seth and I sat at the cafeteria. They were my best friends and I was hiding this big secret from them. Asides the supernatural event that has suddenly taken over my life I was gay, at least I think I am.

"It's nothing" I respond.

I looked at Seth through my eyelashes, I remembered the way he acted towards me when he thought I was gay, he was a homophobic jerk.

"Bullshit Gallagher, you've been distant, moody, a few weeks ago you were coming to school with scars and shit" Seth said.

"And you refused to talk to us about it, we're your friends Emery" Gabe said his voice soft.

"We care about you" Seth added.

I looked at him incredulously, "bullshit Seth, the moment you thought I was gay you fucking tossed me aside, news flash, I am gay"

Seth jerked backwards and a look of anger and disgust appeared on his features

"You said you weren't what the fuck Gallagher" he spat.

I could hear the venom in his voice. Seth, Gabe and I knew each other since 4th grade, we were inseparable, they won't accept me if I'm gay?

"I don't care if you're gay or even a fucking tranny Emery" Gabe said, his cold looking eyes settling on me, "but please don't fucking lie to me, something else is up"

At that moment Raeven walked into the cafeteria, Seth growled practically jumping on the table lunging after him. I watched as he jumped on Raevan and started punching him, everyone in the cafeteria watched, some recording with their phones.

"You fag, what did you do to Emery, spreading your little fag disease around" Seth growled about to punch Raevan again.

I held his fist and practically threw him across, he landed hard on a table. I looked at my hands, okay I didn't mean to throw him that far where did that strength come from.

I helped Raeven up, he looked at me with wide eyes, his lip had a small cut and was bleeding. Gabe stood up

"He's turned you to a fag Gallagher " he growled.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up Seth" Gabe yelled. I widened my eyes, I've literally never heard Gabriel yell. Seth was taken aback.

I grab Raevan's hand and storm out of the cafeteria. We ran all the way to the football field and stopped near the bleachers.

We both waited to catch our breath. Raevan looked at me with a sorry look. When he said he started the fire I didn't know what to feel, I had already spent years hating the only kid that survived, wishing it was him and not my mom.

I guess I was fresh outta hate for Raeven, or was it this feelings I have for him that were stronger.

"Emery I swear I'm sorr..." he started to say, but stopped talking when I touched the side of his face. I didn't realise how I'd covered the space between us.

Our heartbeats synced again, I pressed my lips against his soft ones, he tasted like peppermint and a Metallic taste. Raeven didn't struggle, he parted his lips and our tongue battled for dominance.

"Ow...." he whimpered against my lips.

I got carried away and forgot he bad a cut lip. I smile at him kissing his nose and forehead. He sat smiled back at me. I felt his peppermint breath on my face, we just stood there our foreheads pressed together smiling.

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