Chapter 8

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Raevan's POV

It was a monday, which meant school again. I had ignored Dante's texts and calls, he wanted to kill me before, what the fuck was his deal now. Chelsea ran towards me and intertwined our fingers. "Hey there cutie" she chirped. I smiled at her "hey". She wore a white crop top with the initials C.J and ripped jeans that hugged her features, she was hot, too bad I didn't swing that way. Speaking of hot. Emery walked in with his posse I think Seth and Gabriel were their names. He had a bruise on his eyebrows and a small cut at the corner of his lips. He looked really hot. I remembered how he kissed me to make fun of me. He met my gaze, I was expecting a scowl but he looked a bit nervous quickly averting his gaze.

"Earth to Rae" Chelsea said snapping her fingers at me. "Busy drooling at Emery Gallagher?"she said smirking raising a perfectly drawn brow. I widened my eyes at her. "No!". She shrugged looping our arms together.

Classes went by, I had most classes with Emery in it and he was still nervous around me. The bell rang and I left class. I was gonna meet up with Chelsea so we can walk home, we became friends fast I'll admit. I liked it but a part of me didn't want her to get too close because of my abilities. I bumped into a familiar hard chest.

"Still walking around with your head in the clouds eh" Dante said smirking.

"What do you want" I growled. I didn't want to see him or his crazy dad. Or I didn't want to accept that I'm the product of an angel and a demon.

"Okay so I'm sorry about wanting to kill you and all" Dante said with an apologetic look.

"Why are you sorry" I asked raising a brow."You're obviously not a full demon and i...I sort of, killing people against your will...I get it". He had a swirl if emotions in his baby blue eyes when he said this which made me wonder what his past was like.

"Let's go grab a coffee and talk" he said with a small smile. He noticed a bit of discomfort I felt "please". I nodded and texted Chelsea. Again I'm leaving her behind, she'd probably hate me soon enough.

At the coffee shop Dante and I sat by the window. The waiter took our orders and left.

"The world isn't as normal as it seems, there are supernatural forces in the world" Dante begun. "Now as always there is good and evil, light and darkness. Angels are the light, demons are the darkness. Angels can be any form, ranging from Acendants like me and my dad, we're the lowest form of mundane angels, to the actual angels, of course they are other kinds of angels. Then the demons, we have wraiths, incubus, their female counterparts, necromancer and some other higher level demons.

"So what am i" I asked my voice slightly above a whisper. It was like my world came crashing down, the world is filled with shit like that? And I'm supernatural.

"We need to find out what your parents are. My guess is that one of them was a low level angel and the other was a high level demon, that's why you have those abilities.

I swallowed. "And you, you're Ascendants?". "Yeah a race of low level demon hunters, we posses the angel knife to hunt demons" he said fixing his eyes on the waitress who dropped our coffee smiled and left.

"There is war between angel and demons and you being a hybrid of both puts every human around you in danger" he said.

"Like the flames years ago" I muttered clenching my fists. I didn't want it I didn't ask to be born, I just wanted to get adopted and live with nice family.

"And you can" Dante said smiling. I narrowed my eyes "did you just read my mind". "Yeah, sorry sometimes it happens". He said his eyes flashing violet and then back to their normal blue.

"Why do your eyes do that" I ask. He looked confused for a while before answering. "Oh yeah, the color change, it happens to all Ascendants, our emotions causes it, anger, nervousness, lust, desire." he said sheepishly.

"I felt my cheeks redden at that last part, even more when I realized he could read minds, all those times he...

"So you know everything, well most of it, whatever demon is after you, we need to find it and kill it" he said pulling me from my thoughts. "You aren't safe, but just know I won't let anything happen to you" he said his blue eyes changing to violet. I nodded my cheeks feeling a little red. Just before he wanted to kill me and now he wants to protect me. We left the cafe and started to walk home. Side by side, it was a quiet walk, most times I stole glances at Dante. He looked like he was in thought, his chiseled jawline clenching, it was so sexy_oh shit..."thanks" he said turning to me smirking. "Fuck stop doing that" I groaned. He obviously knew I was gay but he's okay with that I guess, I wondered if he was straight. "I'm gay" he said smiling. Again he read my mind. "Can you not" I said, "Sorry, it's just that your thoughts are literally loud" he replied laughing. I blushed.


Osiris walked towards the house. A smirk plastered on his thin dry lips. His bulging eyes focused on the house, his slimy tongue swept his lips. He peered through the window. A family eating dinner smiling. Osiris frowned, he detested happiness. He waved his fingers and his eyes turned black. He loved messing with this particular family because the boy was going to mess with his plans, breaking him now would benefit him.

A/N: so I get to introduce the demon Osiris. Please comment always I'd love to know what you're thinking and press that pretty little star and vote if you like

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