chapter 7

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Picture up is Katherine played by Adriana lima.

I watched as Dante's bright blue eyes changed to bright violet colour. He held my arms tightly. I was scared, I wanted to scream for Katherine but no sound came out from my mouth, Dante just called me a demon, was he insane, and his eyes, that wasn't normal. What the fuck is he.

"Answer me" he hissed. "I don't know what you're fucking talking about" I managed to choke out. His violet eyes searched my blue eyes. He reached for his pocket bringing out a dagger and holding it to my neck. I stiffened, I could feel the coldness of the steel on my neck.

Dante looked at me with a childish confused look over his features. "You're a demon, I can sense it, why isn't my knife working" he muttered, his eyes returning to their baby blue color.

"I'm not a demon, and I think you should go get help" I said biting my lower lip, bullshit. My life was complicated enough and I didn't need this.

"Shut up" he growled his eyes changing to violet. "I know you, I've done my research on you, and the accident years ago, mysterious blue flames? I knew it was you"

I froze, he knew about my powers, he knew what I did, I could feel my eyes tearing up and my heart beating rapidly against my chest.

He looked at me again with that childish confused look. "Are you...are you gonna cry" he asked cocking his head slightly. I felt a tear drop, I wiped it. "It was an accident, I can't control it, I tried to..." I said in between sobs, maybe I deserved to die, he should just kill me with the weird looking dagger.

"Never in my years of hunting have I seen a demon cry, or filled with...regret" he scoffed withdrawing the dagger. 

"Why are you calling me that" I asked. "It's what you are, give me your number, I'll text you to meet up somewhere, I want you to meet someone" he said glaring at me. "I...if don't want to" I muttered. "I wasn't asking" he shot back his eyes glowing purple again. I gave him my number and he left without a word.

I looked in the mirror, what did he mean, I was a demon, is that why I had these powers. Great I'm just more confused and scared than ever.

"Katherine, who is Dante fisher" I asked. "Oh, he's the next door neighbor, both he and his dad moved here last year, they are really nice"

"Do you know anything else about them, Dante especially". Katherine put a finger under her chin. "No not really". Fuck. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket making me jump a little. I pulled it out, it was a text from Dante.

Meet me at south pyres, it's a few blocks from your house. You better show up.

"Hey Katherine, I'm just gonna take a stroll". She nodded reading her vogue magazine. The place Dante was waiting for me wasn't far from home, it was a small park with rickety swings. Dante stood there his hands in his pocket as the wind disheveled hair. He spotted me and scowled. Not the first time a cute boy has stared at me like that. Emery looked at me that way too.

I noticed an older man beside him. Muscular build, blonde hair and blue eyes with a beard, probably his dad. The man walked up to me. He was quite tall, Dante followed him. He bent a little fixing his gaze on me.
"Well son, we got ourselves here a demon" he said in the same British accent Dante had.

"He's a demon I know, but my blade dulled when I tried to cut him" Dante said clenching his jaws.

His dad's eyes flashed indigo. "You tried to kill him in his house, what the fuck Dante, he's Katherines' adopted kid, you coulda waited for me". Dante looked at his father incredulously, "I sensed a demon, my instincts is to kill it, I don't care about your little crush on Katherine" he snapped, his eyes matching his dad's.

His dad rubbed his temples. I looked at both of them. "I've had this powers for as long as I can remember, and I couldn't control it, it's hurt and killed a lot a people" I said. Clenching my fists, I remembered the cries of the children in the orphanage, Emery hating me for his mother's death. "I don't know what's going on, but if what it takes for me not to hurt anyone again is to kill me, then do it" I was tired of it, the voices in my head, my cursed powers. "Trust me, I would love to kill you, all demons are the same" Dante growled, I remembered how he'd smiled at me before, when he bumped into me at school and back at home, i felt a little normal till he pulled a dagger on me.

Dante's dad sighed again. "We can't kill him with our weapons, because he's half angel".

"What" Dante and I echoed together. His dad's eyes bored into mine. "Having to carry such guilt for a long time, must have been rough" he said touching my shoulder.  I pulled back. " What are you talking about"

"You're half angel half demon, your angel side is stronger and someone or something doesn't want that, that fire you created years ago wasn't something you did on your own, there was a force behind it that amplified your demon powers to cause that flame. And since that incident all you do is hate and blame yourself, this is feeding your demon side and making it stronger, that's why you can't control it".

I took all the information he had given me, it was hard to process. Dante looked confused as well. "Kid, you aren't safe, neither is Katherine, I suggest you tell her everything". I looked at him and then at Dante. "I have to go" I said turning and running as fast as I could ignoring Dante's screams of my name.

Chris Hemsworth plays Dante's father. So that's another chapter, that's for  reading, please remember to vote and I'd love to read your comments on the story so far. L

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