Chapter 3

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Ivana Baquero as McKenzie Gallagher

Emery's POV

"Hey he's waking up" I could here Seth's voice, it was muffled and I opened my eyes meeting the blurred vision of my best friends Seth and Gabriel.

"A little bit of space fucktard" I said my voice raspy.

"Oh could you sleep a little longer, I liked it when you were in unconscious" Gabriel joked.

I let out a soft chuckle rubbing my head. It hurt like hell, what happened oh yeah I got in a fight with that kid and............I couldn't remember. I tried to remember what happened but as I tried a massive migrane came.

"Dude you're okay" Gabriel asked with a concerned tone.
"Yeah just a headache"

"Emery you got your ass handed to you by that skinny kid" Seth said laughing.

I clenched my jaw. Raevan Petrelli. I was seething, I hate him. From the moment he walked into our school. Why was it her instead of him. I clenched my fists. I hate him so much. 

Gabe and Seth had left after we talked. Played some boring boardgames. Hospitals suck.

I was discharged. And my dad came to pick me up from the hospital.

"How are you feeling" he asked glancing at me and turning back to the road.

"Fine...." I replied looking outside the window. My dad and I were close at one point when my mom was alive. But now we are basically like strangers. He's closer to my twin sister though.

"So this kid, how big is he" dad asked. I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. I was bigger than Raevan. Stronger. I'm on the fucking football team, a freaking quarterback at that. How the hell did he knock me out for three days.

"I don't know, I have a headache dad I'd rather not talk about it" I said pinching my temple. Memories of the fight caused me pain. What the hell happened to me.

We arrived home. My twin sister McKenzie was waiting for us at the porch.

When I got down she rushed to me hugging me tight.

"Oww....Mack I'm still hurting" I yelp in pain.

"Sorry little brother" she said smiling "I was so worried about you.
"You re only 10 minutes older" I said with a deadpan.
"Welcome back dad" she said turning to my dad smiling.

"Hello pumpkin" he responded kissing her forehead. He was only gone for three frigging hours. It's like they rub it in my face their daddy daughter bond.

"I'm gonna go to my room" I said rolling my eyes.

I walked upstairs to my room slamming the door. Raevan Petrelli. I tried remembering the fight again, I was angry, hitting him as he pleaded for me to stop. Tears in his blue eyes. Then the headache came. Dammit.  Hell  no....tomorrow at school I would show him not to fucking mess with me. A part of me was scared because he must have knocked me out somehow and he could do it again.

The next day came. I was at school. Dad had asked me to rest but I was okay. I had to confront Raevan.

You know what it is like for someone as popular as me to get in a fight and the other guy is still walking while I blacked out for three days? Fucking sucks.

"I know what you are thinking and don't" Mack said with deadpan

"You don't know what I'm thinking" I Sassed

"You wanna confront the new kid who beat you up" she said

"How the fu.....never mind, so"?

"Where is he, he must be twice your size to...." Seth walked in at the last part unfortunately.

"He's over there" he said grinning sure enough struggling with his locker was frigging Raevan Petrelli.

"Omigosh, he's cute. And how did he knock you out, he's scrawny" Mack said literally eye fucking Petrelli.

He turned around as his blue eyes met my brown ones. He went pale and ran off.

Yeah that's right. I couldn't help but notice his face. He was healing but I did a number on him, there were bruises on his lips and he had a black eye.

"Stay away from him or he'll whoop your ass again" Mack said walking off to class.

Immediately Gabe came in. I rolled my eyes. Gabe had a crush on my sister but hasn't had the guts to tell her. Or talk to ever. Only Seth talks to her. Gabe is a frigging playboy but becomes a mute when Mack is around. Weirdo.

The bell rang. I had to get to history class, luckily Mr Gustin always came late. I know I had the same classes with Petrelli. Now I can intimidate him a little. I mean he was scared when our eyes met earlier right. So he's still scared of me.

I walked into the class. He was sitting there lost in thoughts.

I noticed his hair. The sides where shaved slightly and the top was full and curly styled up into a quiff, he's got really beautiful hair. I mentally slapped myself. What the fuck did I just say.  He's eyelids were closing, he was trying not to doze off until they finally closed. He's long lashes swept his high cheekbones tinged in slight pink.

Fuck fuck. Focus Emery. He humiliated you. Because of him she's.......I walked up to Raevan and grabbed him. He jolted up looking at me with wide blue eyes filled with fear. Some students looked at our direction watching with interest, I didn't care.

Yes....this is it.

"WHAT happened in the bathroom that day" I growled.

"I....I" he stuttered.

"I can't remember anything. How it went down" I muttered.

He looked at me quizzically. I could see a light relief in his eyes. It pissed me off I clenched my fists into a ball ready to hit him.

"Mr Gallagher unhand that boy this instant" my history teacher Mr Gustin yelled

I cussed and let him go, I turned to Mr Gustin. He was a skinny man with glasses and in his late 20's, the youngest teacher in school.

"The both of you see me after class" he said. I nodded shooting Raevan one last glare.


After class, I waited behind, Raevan too. He sat a bit far from me. Feeling uncomfortable as hell.

Mr Gustin put two chairs in front of the teachers table and ushered us to sit. We reluctantly sat there. Mr Gustin sat at the teachers table.

"Now I know bullying when I see one, Mr Gallagher, you were never that kind of person" Mr Gustin said fixing his gaze on me. He was right. I wasn't much of a bully, I was an ass hole and a trouble maker but I didn't really bully anyone.

"You didn't get suspended because you were sent to the hospital and Mr Petrelli here begged that you shouldn't" Mr Gustin continued.

I turned to Raevan. He was fiddling with his fingers now, still nervous and uncomfortable. Why the hell did he do that.

"Whatever you have against Mr Petrelli is personal because he just arrived at this school, now tell me. What is it that makes you feel so much hate for him" Mr Gustin said his green eyes piercing through my brown ones.

That put me on edge.

"N...nothing, he's just a dweeb" I spat.

"That's not true. What does seeing Mr Petrelli everytime make you feel" Mr Gustin interjected.

Then everything came flooding back, my locked in emotions, it's was overwhelming, I could feel tears welling on my eyes. Dammit I'm not a little bitch.

"Go on and tell me" Mr Gustin pressed on.

"It's his fault she's dead" I muttered to myself.

I looked at Raevan now. His was crying. He had a look of realization in his eyes.

"It's his fault my mother is dead" I said.  

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