chapter 5

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Emery's POV

"So you're gay" Gabe asked for the millionth time when we sat at the cafeteria the next day. Seth hadn't spoken to me since he saw me kiss Raevan.

"I'm not" I growled gritting my teeth. "But you kissed that kid, we grew up together you can tell me"

"I don't know why" I cried earning me some looks from other students. I didn't think I was gay, I always liked girls, I've slept with so many girls, why did I kiss Raevan. I raised a finger touching my lips, Raevan's lips were soft, we moved in perfect rythim till he pushed me off him and ran off.

I probably freaked him out. What the hec made me get drawn to him like that, it was so strong like some force of something I just had to kiss him and I liked it.

"Just fucking talk to Seth for me" I asked Gabe looking at him sympathetically,  I knew Seth he was homophobic as hell, and I didn't want to lose my best friend I wasn't freaking gay.

Then Seth walked into the cafeteria, he glared at me. I clenched my jaw and went off to meet him.

"Don't fucking come near me fag" Seth growled, I stopped in dead in my tracks.

"Seth I'm not a....."

"What you kiss boys on a whim now" he scoffed rolling his eyes. Walking by me hitting my shoulders. At the corner of my eye I see Raevan sitting at the corner.

This was his fault, I glared at him, he was shaking and he looked really scared. Who am I kidding I freaked him out and I'm blaming him for it, I also blamed my mother's death on him.

Raevan was at his locker packing up his bag ready to leave, he turned and slammed into me yelping "holy fuck"

His eyes widen when he saw me, million emotions registering in his eyes.
"I'm not gay, I shouldn't have kissed you" I said, I was nervous and scratched the back of my neck. It was a habit.

"Of course I know you're not, you probably thought it was the best way to humiliate me, because I'm gay" he muttered.
I blinked, he was gay? That wasn't the reason why, but I couldn't let him know that. He turned away from me walking outside.

I turned around and saw Seth standing there.
" you aren't gay" he said sheepishly.
"It's what I've been fucking saying" I groaned feeling a pang of guilt in my stomach, why was I feeling like that I wasn't fucking gay.
Seth rushed and hugged me practically lifting me of the ground. Gabe came smiling at us. "Yay we best friends again"

"Yeah, can't believe I thought my best friend was a fag, I've got detention sadly for calling Ms. Gibbs fat, so see you guys later.

I smiled. Gabe glared at me, those annoying cold looking eyes. "What" I snapped my smile vanishing. Gabe shrugged. "The way you kissed that kid, maybe you're really..."

"Shut the fuck up" I growled. I wasn't gay, I'm not. I don't like guys. It was Just a stupid little kiss.

I went to my car throwing my bag in and getting in slamming the door. I hit the staring and let out a frustrating groan. I started up the engine and drove off.


"What's on your mind" Mack asked me at dinner. Dad wasn't home. He was always out late, since mom died all he did was bury his time working so Mack and I are pretty much always alone, Mack was like mom, we were twins but she looked more like my mother, kind deep brown eyes a lot deeper than mine and my mom's smile.

"I....I Kissed a guy" I said clenching my jaws. Macks mouth formed a perfect 'o'. "Wow, and did you like it"

"Fuck no!...ok yes, but I dunno, it was something about him" I said ruffling my hair in frustration.

"It's okay little bro, to feel something for a boy" Mack smiled holding my face in her hands.

"I...." I started to say.

"You're gay?" My dad scoffed standing at the door way. I didn't even hear him come in, something in his voice scared me.

"I'm not dad, I just...." I try to say forcing a weak smile, my dad rushed over to me punching me on the face I fell from the chair sprawling on the ground. Mack screamed. "Dad what the hell"

I held my cheek my eyes widened at my dad, my dad has never hit me before, I could smell it, alcohol on oozed from his body, what the actual fuck since when?! His eyes were filled with disgust, I've never seen him like that before.

"Don't you lie to me, when you kiss a boy it means you're a disgusting fag" he said holding my shirt pulling me up and punching me harder, my right eye throbbed and I could taste blood on my lips. Mack screamed again hitting my dad's back with her frail hands. "Stop it daddy, what the hell is wrong with you" she cried.

My dad pushed me on the floor and glared at Mack before going upstairs. I noticed his badge and gun weren't on him, he lost his job? Was he taking it out on me because of that?

Mack rushed to my side, "hey"she said tears streaming down her cheeks, pulling me to a hug, I closed my eyes, everything in my life was falling apart now.

A/N: poor Emery. Anyway sorry for the late update thank you so much for the votes, please remember to keep voting of you liked the chapter and comment please I'd love to know what you think. P.s I'm so in love with Cameron Dallas (".")

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