Chapter 23

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Pic up is Gabe

Emery's POV

School sucked, I didn't pay attention in classes, I had a lot on my mind.

"Hey Emery" Gabe said from behind me. I hadn't spoken to my best friend in ages, well Seth completely ignored me because  I "turned gay" I missed them either way.

"Hey " I said smiling at him. He looked at me with his soul piercing eyes.

"I'm sorry about Raeven, it's all over the news he's missing" Gabe said concern evident in his eyes. I nodded giving him a small smile.

"I'm Sorry I haven't been there for you either, and about Seth been a complete dick" Gabe said rolling his eyes at the last part.

"That's my line, well the sorry part, I just..there's a lot on my plate right now" I said looking away from him.

"Let's go out this night, to unwind, and catch up" Gabe said his eyes lit with excitement. I didn't really feel like partying, especially when I know Raevan's somewhere in hell probably suffering. I looked up at Gabe's hopeful dark eyes and found myself nodding in agreement.

"So where do you wanna go" Gabe asked me as we rode in his red Porsche car.

"I dunno, anywhere" I said shrugging looking outside. There was a comfortable silence.

"You miss him huh?" Gabe asked.

"Yeah, I'm worried about him too" I said sighing.

"Do you think he ran off, he was a troubled kid" Gabe said drumming the staring wheel. I let out a humorless chuckle. "Gabe shut up you don't know anything"

"Then talk to me, tell me what's going on, I'm your best friend let me be there for you" he said glancing at me. I wanted to tell him everything I really wanted to but I just couldn't drag him into this whole supernatural bullshit.

"It's nothing, just mind your damn business" I said harshly. I could see hurt registered in his eyes, but I figured it's better he hates me than me dragging him into this.

Something landed on the car making Gabe swerve and lose control on the car, the car skidded and went off the road crashing near a nearby tree.

"Ugh..." groan, pain shot through my head and body.

"What was that" Gabe said holding his head, he had a gash on his fore head. We got off the car and looked around, there was a dent on the roof of Gabe's car.

"What the hell" Gabe exclaimed examining the dent "my mom is going to kill me". He stopped and widened his eyes his face pale and his body tensed up. I looked at what spooked him coming face to face with a creature. It had an eagles head and wings with the torso of a lion. It let out an ear piercing screech.

"W....w...what the f.....uck" Gabe stammered out. I sensed it's darkness and I was sure it was a demon. I wanted to chant a spell, as if the demon knew it flew at me with incredible speed knocking me down resting it's claws on my chest. I writhe under its heavy weight.

"Emery!" Gabe yelled, I saw him grab a fallen tree branch swatting the demon. It used it's tail to push Gabe away. It returned it's gaze to me. I felt it's weight reduce and I widen my eyes in shock as the demon changed its shape to a human figure. Wild red hair fell on my face. It was a girl with red hair and bright blue eyes.

"What just....oh God" Gabe said frantic. He was having a panic attack. Well he just saw a beast morph into a girl. The naked red haired girl got off me and sauntered towards Gabe. Gabe was too frightened to move, she touched his forehead slightly with her index finger, and Gabe slumped on the ground.

"What the hell did you do to him" I yell lunging at her. She spun around kicking me on the chest knocking the air out of me, I grasp my chest trying breathe.

"I simply put him to sleep" the girl replied.

"Who are you" I gritted scrambling to stand up.

She twisted her a lock of her red hair around her fingers. "You do not flinch at the sight of my naked body, are you not attracted to me" she smirked.

Maybe few months ago yeah, but I was in love with Raevan.

"Not in the slightest" I growl menacingly. She was unfazed by my comment. She simply kept that annoying smirk on her face.

"My name is Erin, and I know where to find your boyfriend" she said her blue eyes focused on my brown ones. My ears pricked up. She knew where Raevan was, but she could be lying, afterall demons were deceitful creatures.

"I also know how you can save him" she said. I couldn't hide the glint of hope in my voice. "How"

"You can save him" she said. I blinked.

"Not the current weak you" she said rolling her eyes.

"Well" I scoff "rude".

"Spell casters are one of the most powerful and feared angels to demons" she said bending down playing with a tuft of an unconscious Gabe's lock of hair.

"Don't touch him" I growl. She looked at Gabe. "Why not he's cute" she replied looking back at me. "Anyway, right now you only have half of your powers, I'm assuming it was locked dormant years ago?"

I nodded. Mom did tell me she sealed my powers so I could have a normal life, after she died her seal became undone or so I thought.

"The other half of your powers are still dormant, you aren't at your full potential, once you are at the peak of your power, you can seal Raevan's dark power forever" Erin said.

"How do you know all this and why are you helping me" I asked scowling at the demon.

"If the genesis power is lost we won't have to worry of the outcome of the war" Erin said.

"No one would come after Raevan and he'll live a normal life" I finished.

"Why are you helping me" I said.

"I'm not helping you, I'd just rather the genesis power is lost, it's up to you, when you're sealing off Raevan's powers, the dark corrupt energy would try to take over you, it if does you and Raevan die along with the rest of the world, if not Raevan. Would be human forever". She reverted back into the demon griffin took off.

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