Chapter 29

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Emery's POV

School was back to normal, no supernatural drama, the twins and Thayer enrolled in our school, and we were close, we had to actually look out for each other we were the only angels on earth apparently, they were little cases of demons on the streets, but the twins took care of it, in between searching for Thuriel.

But something was up with Raevan, he had changed, I mean he was still Raevan, but something was different about him. I didn't see Raeven at school throughout the classes. It was lunch break and I, the twins, and Dante were seated at our table, Gabriel was at the table too, he knew about the supernatural, so we could talk about Thuriel in front of him, he just couldn't be bothered about it, Erin freaked him out the last time.

"Has anyone seen Raevan" I asked. Adrian shook his head, Kieran ignored me tapping away on his phone.

"He's been distant lately" Dante said. I massaged my temples. "I know, and he won't talk to me".

Raevan walked in everyone looked at him as he walked in. I widened my eyes in surprise. Raevan had dyed the tip of his hair blonde, his quiff was styled high and stuck out in different places, he wore a black leather jacket and a white top and slim black jeans that hugged his legs with black converse, he was hot, and the way he walked, with such confidence, this was the opposite of Raeven. Girls ogled him and Dante muttered something along the lines of fucking hot I fought the urge to glare at him.

Raevan sat at our table. "What's up guys" he said smirking. Even Kieran looked at him. "Why the wardrobe change" he drawled.

Raevan glared at Kieran, and I widened my eyes at that. Raeven is scared of Kieran.

"Had some stuff to take care of" he said ignoring Kieran. Kieran scoffed.

"You might have your powers sealed, but you're still the spawn of a demon" Kieran hissed.

"And you're a stranded angel who can't just keep his fucking mouth shut" Raevan snapped back. My jaw unhinged. Kieran clenched his jaws glaring at Raevan, Raevan didn't back down from his Stare.

"Guys break it up" Dante scolded.

"Raeven, are you okay" I asked, he looked at me. "Yeah, peachy, stop been so fucking clingy, I saw your twenty missed calls and messages" he snapped.

"I was just worried about you" I said a bit hurt by his reaction, why was he  been so cold.

"Rae, that was a bit harsh" Dante said narrowing his eyes at Raevan.

"What about that is harsh, I thought you'd be happy considering you're not over me" Raevan said smirking at Dante. I clenched my fists, why was Raevan acting like this. He walked up to Dante sitting beside him, he snaked his hand round Dante's shoulders and kissed the side of his mouth, I saw Dante tense but didn't stop him, he trailed his kisses down Dante's jaws and neck, I felt anger surge through me. I banged the table gaining  attention from some student. Raevan laughed resting his hands on the table smirking at me.

"What the fuck is your problem" I growled at him. Raevan shrugged innocently.

"We just kissed Emery you aren't my boyfriend, I can do what I want" Raevan retorted. I felt my heart break into a thousand pieces, after all we've been through.

"How can you say that to me" I asked hurt evident in my voice. I saw a flash of an emotion in his eyes but it vanished immediately.

"I don't believe this, Rae if there's something bothering you, you know you can tell me, acting out like this..." I said but Raeven cut me off.

"Fuck you Gallagher" he spat.

I scoffed at looked at him incredulously, he's putting up this front for a reason.

"The world doesn't revolve around this ungrateful son of a bitch" Kieran hissed.

"Well I don't know my mom, but she was angel so kinda says the same about you guys" Raevan said.

"You fucking little.." Kieran hissed under his breath.

"Guys I said enough" Dante growled his eyes glowing bright violet.

Raevan glared at Dante and stood up.
"I don't need this" he muttered walking away.

I followed him and caught up with him at the school park.

"Why are you acting like this" I said. He stopped dead in his tracks his back facing me.

"Have you forgotten, I am the spawn of a demon, a weapon created by dark arts" he said.

"No you're not, I sealed off your powers, you can live a normal life" I said.

Raeven chuckled, it was a dark chuckle, he turned to me, his hands set ablaze, blue flames burning wildly. He still had his powers, I could feel it, the darkness coming from him, it was intense I felt my body freeze and despair wrapping me in it's clutches.

"You know....fighting it, the darkness caused me nothing but anguish, and now that I've embraced it, I feel, like that void I've felt all my life, finally filled up" Raevan said. His blue eyes glowing.

"Raevan, stop you're not genesis, you're not a monster" I choked. The dark spirit energy coming from Raevan was intense, I could feel hatred, wrath, despair.

"I'm not genesis, I am me, I am Raevan" he said tilting his head to the side a little. He walked up to me, and ran his fingers down my cheek, I hissed as I felt my cheek burn from the flames on Raevan's hand. He pulled back his hand, and I felt my skin healing itself back.

Raevan smirked. "You've gotten stronger, maybe the reason why were connected it because you might be the one to stop me"

"What are you planning to do Raevan" I gritted out. He backed away from me, his lips tugged up into a wicked smile.

"I'm going to show the world true despair" he sneered. And with that giant black wings erupted from his back and he flew off.

"Raeven" I cried.

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