Chapter 18

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Emery's POV*

"What was the last spell mom" I asked. She sighed.

"I tried to contain those flames but it made them worse, I couldn't help him control it, I caused the fire" she said regret and pain evident in her warm brown eyes.

"Raevan blamed himself for that" I said reminiscing about how Raevan and I first met.

"I made his life miserable because I blamed him too....but then there was just something about him and i...." I clasped my mouth shut widening my eyes, was it okay to tell my mom I was in love with a boy.

She grinned and kissed my forehead
"Sweetie you can love whoever you want to love you're still my baby boy"

I smiled. I hugged her once more.

"It's time to go my love", she said standing up. I didn't want to go, I wanted to stay with my mom. I've missed her so so much.

"Mom i...."

"Emery sweetie, you have to go, Raevan needs you, the hooded man didn't die that night" she said.

I knew she was right. Now that I know what truly happened that night, it wasn't Raevan's fault, and the hooded man that came for years ago might come back or maybe already has. A white bright light engulfed my view and I could hear my mom's voice echo

"I love you"

I woke up to monitors beeping and the smell of antibiotics. There were tubes connected to me and I felt like shit. I groaned.

"Emery"  Mack said from behind me, her voice soft.

"Dad, dad he's awake" Mack screamed much to my discomfort. My dad rushed in.

"Emery, son thank God" he said hugging me. I smiled at him.

"How long was I out" I ask.

"Almost three months" Mack said. My eyes widened, three fucking months.  Oh no.

"Raevan, where's Raevan" I breathed out. My dad and Mack exchanged worried glances.

"He's been missing for a while now, his guardian Katherine has been worried sick" my dad announced.

I felt my heart sink, I couldn't protect him. The demon must have captured him.

"We're doing the best we can to find him" my dad assured. I gritted my teeth, he didn't know half of what is really happening.


I was discharged from the hospital and I was more than happy to be home away from the medicine smelling hell hole they put me in. I hadn't heard from Dante either, and I was beginning to get worried.

I had to stay home to recover, dad was at work and Mack was at school, I was alone to my thoughts, I only thought about Raevan and what he must be going through. I hear a loud knock on my door.

I open the door to see a girl standing there, her blonde hair disheveled, her face dirty and bruised, blue eyes tired.

"Emery Gallagher " she breathed out. I gulped and nodded, behind her were two identical boys in the same state as the girl , my jaws nearly unhinged when I saw who they were holding, Dante was motionless and looked beaten up like shit.

I let the strangers in and the older looking twin with a stubble laid Dante on the couch.

"What happened to him" I asked.

"What does it look like the twin snapped.

"Calm down Kieran" the girl said. She turned to me

"I'm Izzy, that's Kieran and Adrian " she introduced.

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