Chapter 24

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Emery's POV

I stir in my bed, thinking about what the red haired demon said, was I really the only chance of Raeven having a normal life, but if I fuck up I'll end up destroying the world, I groan adjusting myself facing the ceiling. Even if there's the slightest chance I could save Raevan I had to. I had to trust the demon.

I heard a noise and swiftly turned switching on the light, Dante fell over from the window rolling on the floor.

"What the fuck" I yell. "What are you doing in my room".

"I couldn't exactly take the front door, get dressed and come with me" he said standing up to his feet. I glared at him incredulously. "No, it's 2am I have frigging school tomorrow, I still have a normal life you know"

"I think I might know a way to save Raevan " he said.

I had to sneak out my window, if my dad found out I left he would ground me for life. Dante and I went back to his house. Izzy and the twins were seated in the room.

"That kid, is he awake yet" I asked remembering the girly looking guy that came out of the rune.

"Still sleeping like a baby" Adrian said munching on a bag of cheerios.

"So we found out why we can't access heaven, dark arts, Thuriel blocked the path" Izzy said.

"We also think he may be in cahoots with the hooded demon and they are gonna use Raevan to fulfil the prophecy" Kieran said.

"Isn't Thuriel an arc angel" I ask. Dante shook his head. "He's a fallen, stripped of his angel class and powers, but he's even more powerful with the dark arts".

"We have to defeat Thuriel" Izzy announced. "But it's just us, we're the only angels on earth".

"Not just us" I said. Izzy gazed at me. "What do you mean" Kieran asked.

"There might be a way to save Raevan, I can seal away his powers for good, with the help of a demon" I said. Kieran let out a humorless laugh. "Are you kidding me, you're a bloody halfling, there is no way you can seal away the genesis power" he spat.

"What did you mean with the help of a demon" Adrian asked narrowing his eyes.

"I met a red haired demon yesterday, she told me I had the power to do it" I said.

"Emery, I wanna save Raevan just as much as you but don't ever listen to a demon" Dante said.

"We're taking the genesis to heaven once we defeat Thuriel" Kieran sneered.

"Emery's on to something" Izzy said. Kieran snapped his head in her direction, Adrian looked at her with wide eyes, even Dante was shocked at her statement.

"Uhm thanks" I said glancing at her, I didn't think she of all people would support me.

"Izzy what the fuck" Kieran growled scowling at her.

"When I was healing him after that assassin demon impaled him, I felt it. A dormant part of his spirit energy still asleep, even with half his powers he was able to save Dante by casting the poisoned dark matter from his wound" Izzy said folding her hands. The others were thinking about her words carefully.

Izzy paused a little pushing a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. "If there's anyone who can stop Thuriel or save Raevan it's this halfling spell caster".

It was the first time Izzy called Raevan by his name. I couldn't help but smile the way she defended me. I felt my stomach fall when I remembered what was going to happen if I failed. But I can't afford too, everyone is depending on me I just couldn't afford to fail.

"If I notice things going south I would not hesitate to end you both" Kieran growled.

"Well, so where's the red haired demon" Adrian asked.

"She's right here" a voice said, a raven flew in circles in the air and as it landed it morphed into Erin. The twins and Izzy tensed up springing to their feet taking a defense stance.

"Wow so many angels in one room" Erin said now fully clothed, she was wearing a black leather jacket and pants with a lace red strapless crop top. Her blue eyes focused on me. "Ready to save your true love?"

I notice Dante cringe at that. "I am, but I don't trust you, don't try anything funny demon" I gritted out my jaw tensing.

Erin, unfazed flipped her red hair. "So I take it you're all going" she said looking at the others.

"Of course we are" Izzy snapped. Erin shrugged. "I'm sure I don't have to tell you that we're going to demon territory, you have to mask your spirit energy or you'll draw attention to you".

She turned her back to us holding her hands out muttering some incoherent words. A door came into view. I widened my eyes. "That's literally the door way to hell" she said smiling, she opened the door, I peered inside, there was nothing but darkness.

She looked back at us, irritation in her features. "Well any day now" she huffed. Dante clenched his jaws and walked in through the door, Adrian followed, then Izzy. Kieran muttered some profanities and walked in, I walked in last. As I went through I felt like I was falling through a whirlpool of darkness. I landed with a thud on a Sandy ground. I spat out some sand that entered my mouth dusting my self I stood upright. I looked around, expecting to feel intense heat and the whole place in flames, but I could see a town, the earth was Sandy. The buildings looked like what you would see in a western movie. This is hell?

After marveling about surroundings, I was beginning to freak out I was alone, in hell. I looked around for the twins or Erin or Izzy, nothing but Sandy plains and buildings that looked inhabited.


A/N; here's another chapter, Emery is finally a step closer to saving Rae. But did Erin trick them, just where are the others and why is Emery alone, what do you guys think of Erin, or Izzy supporting Emery, let me know in your comments. Please press that little star and share my book if you like. ALSO of you like more fantasy books I have another one up called "THE AFTERMATH" It's not really b x b but it's just as good, read it and tell me what you think


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