chapter 27

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Raevan's POV

"Hey, how are you holding up" Katherine said sitting beside me rubbing my shoulders soothingly.

"I'm fine I guess...." I replied rubbing my eyes. Katherine didn't believe me. I stood up from bed ushering her out I needed to prepare for school.


I walked into school and felt eyes on me, I was kidnapped so fucking what. I ignored the wondering eyes and walked to my locker. My classes went by in quickly, half the time I couldn't concentrate, all I could think about was Emery.

At the cafeteria during lunch, I sat a table far away from most students. Using my fork to fiddle with my greens, I seemed to have lost my appetite.

"Rae" a soft voice that made my heart beat faster. I looked up to see Emery standing in front of me with a tray in his hands. I wondered why he came to school, a side of his face bandaged and the burnt regions in his hands bandaged. I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Why have you been avoiding me, when I woke in the hospital you weren't there, you ignored my calls" Emery said. I could hear it, the hurt in his voice. I couldn't, I only cause pain and misery to everyone I love. Because of me Emery almost died twice, and I just couldn't. I stood up picked my tray and started to walk off. Emery's friend Gabe stood in my way.

"Move Gabe" I said through gritted teeth. Gabe shoved me and my tray dropped with a clatter, everyone in the cafeteria watched us tension spreading.

"What the fuck is your problem, do you know how much you're hurting Emery, when he was in the coma, you were there beside him, now you don't wanna have anything to do with him, what got into you" Gabe yelled furiously. I wince at his words. Gabe jabbed my chest with his finger. "You owe him a fucking explanation why you're acting like this" he hissed.

I shoved him and walked past him ignoring the murmurs and glares from everyone.

I went to the bathroom slamming the door, I looked at the mirror, dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep, every minute I spent in that dungeon hunted my nightmares, how the flames I created hurt Dante, I turned the tap on washing my face.

"Raevan you need to talk to somebody, if not Emery at least talk to me" Dante said from behind me.

"You're the last person I want to talk to right now" I hissed. Dante clenched his jaws. "What the hell is your problem" he growled. I was sick of people asking me that.

"Your friend fucking died because of me, Emery!!!Emery is like that because of me, why?! I'm nothing but a stupid weapon!!! That's my problem" I snapped. Dante frowned.

"All I do is cause pain and suffering to everyone, and I'm sick of everything" I cried, tears threatening to fall. I pushed past him walking out.


I haven't spoken or heard from Emery or Dante in a year. I had Katherine take me out of school, and It took a while for me to convince her to let me go back to living in the shack in woods, she reluctantly agreed only if I be home schooled.

I lay in my bed in the shack reading a book, I heard a knock on the door, I thought it was strange, nobody but Katherine knew where here was, and if she was here I'd hear her car at the front. I walked to open the door and my eyes almost popped out of its sockets when I saw who it was.

Emery stood there smiling at me. He had changed a little in a year, his dark hair was tousled and had blonde tips, he had built a little bit of muscle, I noticed from the way they showed through his red T-shirt, what shocked me more was that there were no burnt marks on his face or hands.

"You look quite cute in glasses" he said rubbing his neck nervously.

I stood there speechless. "Can I come in" he asked politely. I nodded stepping aside.

We sat opposite each other.

"Katherine told me you lived out here" he said after a few minutes of silence.

"You seem healthy" I said mentally smacking myself, what the fuck was that.

"Yeah, uhm since I sealed away genesis, I've gotten a bit more powerful I guess I dunno, but I heal faster" he said.

"Why....I keep pushing you away why do you keep coming back" I mumbled, I felt my eyes water.

"Because I love you, and I would never give up on you" he retorted.

"Because of me you almost died, twice and I don't want you in danger....Thuriel is still out there and...." I said but Emery cut me off standing up and pulling me to my feet. He closed the distance between us, his face inches from mine.

"If I have to what I did to save you a hundred more times I would do it in a heartbeat" he said softly outing his hand on my face wiping away a tear with his thumbs. His finger brushed my lower lips and he leaned in, his lips wrapping mine. I felt tingles and sparks run down my spine, he deepened the kiss licking my lower lip for entrance, I obliged by slightly parting my lips, his tongue slipped in exploring every inch of my mouth dancing in a rythimic motion with mine. Our tongue battled for dominance and I ended up letting him take charge.

We parted to catch our breath Emery's cheeks red and lips swollen from the kiss, his pupils were dilated and his breath came out in short pants. "I love you'm in love with you " he panted. I felt my face flush crimson. "I'm in love with you too Emery Gallagher". 

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