Chapter 31

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Levi woke up, he looked at the time. Shit he was late, first day at school. He jolted up from bed and dressed up, the cherub had delivered his school uniform, Levi was excited, he was more than elated when he got a message that he was one of the chosen angels to attend the prestigious angel academy, his parents couldn't be any prouder. Levi hoped he wouldn't disappoint, it was a miracle he even got in, Levi  wasn't the most luckiest angel, in fact he was pure bad luck, he was accident prone, he was always stuck in unlucky situations, even his parents worried about him.

He rushed downstairs, eat his breakfast, his parents weren't home, as usual, they were always on assignments, Levi's dad was an Archangel and his mother was a spellcaster. When you have a an Archangel father, there are certain expectations Levi had to live up to. He wondered what class of angel he was going to be, he wanted to be like his dad, Archangels were majestic in Levi's eyes, his dad along with other Archangels were on the right hand side of the the source. It was a big honor.

"Ah master Levi, forgive me I was running some errands for your father." Aloise said. Aloise was a cherub that served Levi's dad for many moons. He was practically family. The cherub had the form of a white horse with wings. He could shape shift to basically any light creature.

"It's okay Al. I'm not too late, if you can give me a ride to the academy, I'll make it just in time." Levi said with a hopeful smile. The cherub sighed and gestured Levi with his head. Levi beamed climbing on the cherubs back and it flew to the academy.

Levi waved the cherub off. He glanced at the huge golden gate, the school was huge, it was also on the highest cloud in heaven. Other students rushed into the school gate, Levi joined too. He was excited. All the students were gathered in the school compound. A woman hovered above them with beautiful white wings that always seemed to enthrall Levi. He had only seen his father's wings once. And seeing am arch is very rare, they almost never come to  haven society, Levi rarely sees his dad. The woman gracefully landed her wings glowing bright before vanishing, she was beautiful, her long embodied gown flew in the breeze, and her red hair cascaded down her waist.

"Welcome to Haven academy students, I'm principal Ariel." She said smiling elegantly. Everyone seemed to like her, who wouldn't. Her voice was regal, poise, she was perfect. Beside her were three angels, one male and two other females, from the way the male was dressed, Levi could tell he was an ascendant angel, they mostly wore leather clothes with light armor, so they could move around with ease, they were the most agile of angels. The other female angel was beautiful adorned with ornaments, Levi guessed she was Ethreal dressed in  silky clothes revealing her long legs, they were an only female class angels were extremely beautiful, the second female was a spell caster, she wore a robe and cowl over her head.

"These are your professors. Olaf as you can see is an ascendant, Bree the ethereal and Sunny the spellcaster." Principal Ariel said.

"Funny her name is sunny and she's dressed in those broody dark clothes." A student whispered to Levi. Levi turned to her, she had wild blue curly hair that matched the color of her eyes. She smiled at Levi.

"I'm Amora." She said smiling. Levi smiled back at her.

"Levi." He said.

The students were led into a large hall and took their seats. Levi looked at the hall, it seems a lot of students were chosen this year, just when levi thought he was special and not just any angel gets chosen. Anyway it was time for the Egendaour to select their class. He desperately wished to be an Archangel, Amora had sat beside him.

"What class do you think you'd be." Amora asked.

"I don't know, both my parents are of different classes it could be one of both." Levi said.

"Well. I have a feeling I'm gonna be Ethreal." She said proudly. "Although both my parents are spell casters, I heard classes aren't hereditary."

"I want to be an arch." Levi said. Amora pursed her lips.

"One out of a hundred students are archs" Amora said. Levi felt his chest drop in disappointment. He has always been unlucky, there was absolutely no way he could be that one, he thought having a father as an arch might boost his chances but classes have nothing to do with your parents class. 

The event started. There was a bright white light appeared, the children shielded their eyes. The Egendaour emerged. It was large, it was half eagle half eagle half horse and pure white. Levi gaped at the creature with awe, it was magnificent. Each student would walk to the creature and ever so slightly the creature would connect hits beak to the students forehead, then announce the students class.

The first student was called to the alter, Harry Winsten, the poor thing was terrified of the majestic creature, he glanced at principal Ariel nervously, the principal gave him an assuring nod. He gulped walking to the creature that towered over him. Gently the creature leaned forward and pressed his beak on the boys forehead, the boy felt at ease.

"Ascendant." The creatures voice boomed. The hall cheered for the boy and he went back to his seat. A couple of other students were chosen, they were mostly ascendant's and they were a few female Ethreal's. It was Amora's turn.

"Archangel." The creature boomed. Levi widen his eyes, Amora was chosen as an arch, she didn't even want to be one, the blue haired girl was surprised herself. The principal smiled at her, Amora sat beside Levi glancing at him apologetically. It was Levi's turn. He walked to the magnificent creature, it towered above him. Up close it was even more beautiful. The creature leaned in touching Levi's forehead slightly with its beak, Levi immediately felt warmth surge through his body, he wasn't in the hall filled with students anymore, all he could see were constellations, it was beautiful, Levi felt like he was in a trance, just what did it mean, did the other students see something like this too?

"Arcadeus Regimus." The creature boomed. The whole hall burst into murmurs. Levi was beyond perplexed, he'd never heard of that class before, even the principal and the professor's whispered amongst each other with uncertainty.

"Great Egendaour, are you sure about the boy." The ascendant Olaf asked.

"Arcadeus Regimus." The creature said again.

"What's that." Levi asked. He knew the creature wasn't going to verbally respond to him, all it did was choose classes for little angels so they can go further to serve the source.

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