Chapter 4

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"It's his fault my mother is dead" Emery blurted out tears threatening to fall down his cheeks. I tensed up, no wonder he hated me so much, his mother, who was she?

I remembered, a pretty woman with beautiful brown eyes who worked at the orphanage, now that I thought about it she did have big beautiful brown eyes like Emery....

Fuck no...


I killed Emery's mother, she died because of my powers, he's right. He has every right to hate me and treat me like shit.

"Emery, I'm sorry to hear that, I know that Raevan been the only survivor of that dreadful incident must make you feel he was responsible, but it's not like that" Mr Gustin said with a soft voice, his eyes on Emery.

But it is my fault, I started the fire

"I have to go" I said getting up and rushing out. I rubbed my eyes, I was crying, crying because I took someone's mother away from him, all my friends. Gone.

I felt my knees wobble as I walked briskly down the hallway, my head bumped into a hard chest I fell on the floor flat on my butt.

"Ouch...fuck" I yelled, A pair of beautiful blue orbs gazed down at me.

"I'm so sorry mate" the boy said in a heavy accent stretching his hand. For a moment I was lost in his eyes, waves of electric blue danced around his pupils. It was so enchanting.

He smiled revealing pearly white teeth. I snapped out of my trance, I reached for his hand and he pulled me up. Wavy blond hair covered his forehead and his pink bow lips were curved into a smile that disappeared. He must have known I was crying.

Shit he probably thinks I'm weird now, I faced the ground and walked past him as fast as I could.


"It is quite comfortable here" Katherine announced sitting and crossing her legs on the couch.

"You're not moving in" I said with a deadpan.

"Ugh so sassy, so did you meet any cute boy you like" she asked wiggling her eyebrows.

My eyes widened, how the fuck did she know I was gay, I just even found out myself.

"I can tell" she said smiling. "Tell me tell me, I'm about to go all fan girl on you" she squealed.

"Woah Woah woah, I haven't even admitted to being gay" I said smiling.

Katherine gave me a are you serious look.

"Well there is one, but he hates me" I muttered looking down slightly. "And i understand why he does"

I'm a murderer

"Is it that Gallagher kid" Katherine asked cocking her head to the side slightly.

She was like a freaking mind reader. "He's pretty cute, but you know he's bad news"

"'s not his fault"

It's mine

Katherine sighed "there are plenty of cute boys out there Rae".

"Katherine it's not like I'm into him like that" I said rolling my eyes.

"Just checking, anyway gotta go, enjoy your lonesome" she joked waving her hands.

I heard her ferrari back up and speed off. I walked to my room and plopped on my bed.

It's his fault my mother is dead. Emery's words played in my head, I clutched my knees bringing them close to my chest. The guilt was killing me. I had to make it up to Emery somehow.

It he enjoyed beating me so be it, I won't resist, that's not enough. I had to think of something.


The next day at school I had not seen Emery, not that I was looking for him, he just didn't show up to pick on me.

"Hey you" I heard a familiar cute voice.

"Oh...Chelsea" I said smiling. Chelsea beamed. We walked to history class together.

"I'm so glad we have this class together" she giggled. I smiled yeah, she intertwined our fingers together blushing a little.

Oh fuck I hope she didn't have a crush on me or something like that. I'd have to tell her I'm gay she might hate me and I honestly didn't that.

We got seated in class and Mr Gustin arrived, not long after Emery rushed in.

"Sorry I'm late" he panted out of breath. Mr Gustin narrowed his eyes at him.

"Fine just take your seat I'm about to start. Emery rushed to his sit placing his bag on the floor, and sat down.

Mr Gustin began teaching. I stole a glance at Emery. His hand was holding on his cheek rested on the desk, he was bored. He looked at me, I looked away quickly.

"How about you stop fucking eyeballing me fag" he hissed. The last word hit me like a brick and it stung.

"How'd you know i was staring if you weren't staring back asshole" I snapped back at him. He wasn't staring I knew that but I wanted to rile him up, make him angry. If I succeeded he would hit me or beat me up.

I deserve it

Emery looked at me surprised I talked back to him like that. I saw him curve his fists to a ball.

It was working

"What's the matter, emewy poo, mad I called you your middlename" I cooed.

That was lame but whatever it was working, Emery clenched his jaws.
"After class you're dead meat petrelli" he growled.

"Something you boys wanna share to rest of the class" Mr Gustin said looking at us.

"No sir" I gulped. Emery said nothing but sent me death glares.

After class I left the class, Chelsea skipped to my side looping her arm with mine.

"What was that all about" she asked, I shook my head. I had to look for Emery.

"Chelsea I gotta go, I'll see you later" I said disconnecting my arm from hers running off, I felt bad for leaving her but I had to do this

I deserve it

Emery was with his friends chatting and laughing near the bleachers, they probably just finished football practice, his smile disappeared as soon as he noticed me standing there.

I smirked, and flipped off.

"That's it" he yelled angrily sprinting towards me, I turned and ran, he chased after me.

Soon he tackled me to the ground and turned me sitting over me holding me down. He clenched is fists holding it high. I winced waiting to feel the pain, but it didn't come.

I opened my eyes. He was there looking at me with intense big brown eyes, i gulped, he leaned down. My chest was pounding rapidly against my ribcage.

Emery kissed me.

A/N: Thankies to the beautiful person who voted this story, please comment and tell me what you think.

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