Chapter 22

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Pic up is the demon king Ezra portrayed by Ryan allan


Raevan's POV*

I didn't know how long I've been in here but it felt like ages, I also haven't seen the Raven or heard it's thoughts in my head, I had given up all hope, I lay on the cold wet ground unable to stand, my vision had become blurry and I was feeling a pang of pain in my stomach, I prayed for death to come, I wanted to die, I didn't want to live another second in this dungeon, I thought about Emery, he's beautiful smile, his brown eyes, I break a small smile. The dungeon room door creaked and the hooded demon who's name was Aurobris walked in.

"You look like shit" he mocked. I glared at him not wasting my breath in response.

"You are only gonna keep torturing yourself if you don't eat, I already told you, you can't die, you would only suffer".

"Go to hell" I said mustering all the fading energy I had left. He cackled. "We are in hell, oh you have a visitor".

A man walked into the room, everything about him screamed poise and elegance, he looked up to me and took an arrogant stance, he was wearing a black buttoned coat and slim pants, he had a light stubble and dull blue eyes.

"Why does he look so weak" the man asked snapping his head to Aurobris, Aurobris seemed to quake at the man's hostile tone. "He won't eat my lord".

The man simply sighed. He bent down and gazed at me.

"You're the spitting image of your mother" he said smiling. This man knew my mother?

"If you want to be reunited with your mother I suggest you eat and gain your strength " he said. I force myself to sit up, this man didn't look like a demon, after a while here in this dungeon I was able to make out the stench of demon and this man didn't have it, who is he, what is he.

"W...who are y..ou" I said weakly. He smiled. "My name is Thuriel, and if you eat and gain your strength I shall take you to your mother". I didn't know if he was telling the truth, but I was going to take that chance, I wondered what my mother looked like, I wanted to see her, ask her so many questions. In a way I felt bad for treating Ezra, my father the way I did. I got too angry, too emotional.

I picked up a fruit and took a bite, it tasted really good, I was starving, I rushed the fruit and picked another one munching quickly.

"Good boy" Thuriel commented standing up. He turned back to Aurobris. He said something I didn't quite hear and then walked out of the room. Aurobris threw a glance at me and then followed Thuriel.


Ezra sat on his throne resting his jaw slightly on his knuckles. Ever since he had dropped his son at the spellcaster doorstep he'd been watching over him till he was older. When his sun was threatened by Aurobris and burned down an orphanage it took everything he had not to run to his son on side and help him, he couldn't, he was the demon king, there were rules that even the king must abide to.  It left Ezra empty inside, maybe he should have gotten rid of the child when Avira birthed him, his son won't have to go through such a hard life. At the time when his son was born he was so confused, an angel could never bear a child for a demon they were just too different, angels and humans could bear children, angels and angels, demons and angles, demons and humans, but never angel and demons and Raevan's birth shocked him. The angels had a prophecy about genesis a dark power that can destroy the entire realm human and supernatural alike, and that genesis was Raevan. Ezra remembered the look in Raevan's eyes the time he told him he was his father, a mix of emotions ran in the boys blue eyes, he was too human, probably because he grew up among them. He even fell in love with a half angel, but he is only going to be feared by the angels and demons alike because of the power he holds in him and he can't do anything to protect his son.

Ezra was so lost in thoughts that he didn't notice Erin walk in.

"My lord" Erin said bowing down to her knees. Ezra lifted his chin up

"Erin, what is it" Ezra said in a bored tone.

Erin looked around, and Ezra took a hint, he ushered his demon warriors that stood in the room to leave. They rushed out of the palace room.

"Aurobris is holding a prisoner" Erin said. Ezra gave her a bored look, he couldn't even be bothered about Aurobris or his prisoners.

"It's your son" Erin said wincing at the last part. She didn't know how else to refer to Aurobris prisoner and she didn't know if the king will pleased by her choice of words. Something flickered in the kings eyes but it left immediately. Erin waited for a response.

A wave of thoughts was going through Ezra's mind, he was waiting for Aurobris to attack and try to capture his son, but since that night Aurobris disappeared,  now he's back. It was time to act, Aurobris was dangerous and now by bringing Raevan to hell he has hinted he wants war. He felt bad that his son was caught in the cross fire but as a demon king he had a duty to his people.

"Prepare my soldiers, we're going to apprehend the genesis and take Aurobris down.

"What would you do with genesis" Erin asked. Ezra froze, Erin notice his hands balled into into a fists.

"If Aurobris is planning to use the genesis for power we have no option but to destroy it" Ezra said his jaw set.

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