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Jacob P.O.V

I sat in the gigantic room were my English lecture was being held. I tried to listen to what my Professor, Professor Smith, was saying but I just couldn't stay focus. Luckily, I had my old tape recorder my father gave me a few years back recording everything she was saying.

I looked around the room at the other kids recording her with their iPads and such while I sat here with an old, dingy tape recorder.

"Now remember you have a ten page essay on what we've been talking about these past 2 weeks. If you paid attention, kept your ears wide open and took your notes, this should be a breeze" she said, making my turn my head and facing her.

"But, if you were one of those hooligans who didn't take notes, keep your ears wide open or was asleep this will be difficult" she snapped. We all looked at the kid who had his head down, snoring away.

We erupted in laughter which made him throw his head up quickly and look around. "Whaaat? What's going on?"

"Lord help these young adults" Professor Smith begged, looking up with her hands in praying position. We all laughed at her again and she cracked a smile. First time I ever seen her smile.

"You all may go now" she said. She didn't have to tell us twice.

We all jumped up from our seats and headed out the door. As I got closer to the door I stopped and looked back at Professor Smith. I forgot she had my stuff. I walked back toward her desk and smiled.

"Jacob ,you're free to leave" she responded then took a sit from her red coffee cup.

"I was wondering if you had my papers still?" I asked her. She gave me a confused look. "The one's I wanted your opinion on" I added. 

She repeated what I said in a low tone then exclaimed "OH". She opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out my paper. It had to be at least 500 pages.

"This was pretty good, Jacob" she nodded flipping through the paper once again. "You had me at the edge of my seats reading some of these chapters".

As slight smile appeared on my face. "Thank you, Professor Smith."

"No problem" she replied, handing me my papers. "You know, Jacob" she started saying.


"You should really look into contacting a publisher"

"I've been thinking about it, but I don't know" I said shaking my head.

"Why not? They're great stories" she asked.

"I feel as if I missing a few things in my writing. Like I need extra or someone else to help, I don't know" I said, shrugging it off.

"Well, Jacob, why don't you try to find someone else who's into writing to help you" she suggested. I shrugged and sighed. "Thanks Professor, but I've got to get going, thanks for taking time and reading my stories" I smiled.

"No problem" she told me. I nodded my head then headed out the classroom. I walked through the halls and made my way outside into the cool fall breeze.


I turned my head and seen my best friends, Ariana and Trevor.  I smiled and made my way over towards them.

Ariana and Trevor have been my friends since I learned how to talk. Our parents used to be close friends. Every time our parents met up they were forced to be with each other while they talked.

"Another success" I laughed handing my red headed friend my paper I gave Professor Smith.

"The Devil Inside Us?" she asked.

"What? I'm working on horror now" I smirked, snatching my paper back.

"I'm telling you, Jake, you need to talk to a publisher!" Trevor said with excitement. "I want too, I just feel as if someone else to help me" I added. 

My friends groan in unison as they throw their heads back. They always hear me say the same thing over and over again.

"Jacob, say that one more time and I will cut your hair off" Ariana threatened, tugging at my curly hair. I brushed her away and laughed.

"Guys I-"


My friends and I turned our heads and seen my beautiful girlfriend, Leigh-Ann, waved. She flashed me her huge white smile, which caused me to smile.

"I'll catch you guys later" I told Ariana and Trevor.

"Alright" she sighed.

"Alright bro, catch you later" he replied, giving me the dap and walking off with Ariana. I ran over towards Leigh-Anne and planted a kiss on my lips. She ran her fingers through my hair as I pulled her closer to me.

"Hey Jakey" she smiled, pulling away from my kiss. 

"Hey Leigh" I replied and quickly kissed her on the cheek. I entwined my hand with hers as we started walking along the campus.

"So, Leigh Anne, I talked to Professor Smith about my book-"

"Book? What book?" she asked in her British accent.

"You know the stories I always type up?" I asked. "I always have my laptop with me...typing were ever I go" 

"Ooooooohhh, oh ok" she said, still unsure about everything.

"Well" I started. "She read the last one I typed up and she thought I should talk to a publisher. I wasn't to sure, what do you think?" I asked her. She looked at me and cracked a smile. "I'm sorry, I was texting Jasmine, what did you say?" she questioned.

"Uh, nothing" I said giving up. "So what did you want to do tonight?" I asked her with a smile on her face. "Weeeellll" she started with a huge smile. "I was thinking about a-"


Leigh-Anne and I looked ahead and seen a boy speeding up on us with a bike. Leigh-Anne let go of my hand and ran off, leaving me to crash with the guy.

"Yooo, I am soooo sorry" said the tall guy, riding the bike.

"MY PAPERS!' I screamed, jumping up and trying to catch them before they blew around in the wind.

"Dude, I am so freaking sorry" he kept saying over and over. I ignored him and kept running to get the papers. I gave up when they got to far for me to run.

"I'm so so-"

"YOU SAID IT FIVE BILLION FUCKING TIMES! JUST SHUT UP!" I screamed at him, picking up my bookbag and sticking the rest of the papers in there.

"Did you get them all?" he asked, twisting around his hair like he was nervous. I looked him up and down. He had a pretty weird outfit on.

"No, but your lucky I have some of them" I told him. "I can easily type the one's I loss, I guess" I shrugged.


"Stop, please" I begged. "You don't have to say it a million times"

A smile formed on his face.


The we turned around   and he got slapped in the face with on of Leigh-Anne gigatic books. He went flying and hit the ground hard. I looked at Leigh-Anne shocked.

"Girl, why did you-"

"Shhh, come on!" she exclaimed. "We were NEVER here" she said, grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

I thought this would be my last time seeing dude.

I was so wrong.

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