Chapter Twelve

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[ Look on the side to see Professor Smith..idk why i picked such a fancy pictur :P]

Jacob P.O.V

"Jacob? Jacob wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes and lifted my head up from the table it was laying on. I looked around the empty room then looked at a disappointed Professor Smith. "Professor Smith...did..did I-"

"Only half the class, Jacob" she sighed, crossing her arms against her chest. "Your recorder was on, hopefully you got everything you needed" she added as she patted my back and strutted her way back to her desk.

"Professor Smith" I sighed getting out my seat and walking toward her desk. "I'm sorry I feel asleep, I was up all night" I continued, running my fingers through my hair.

"Oh working on your writing? Ariana and Trevor told me you found a person by the name of Flow who wrote a whole book of poetry" she smiled at me.

"No not exactly" I mumbled as I bit my lip. "I was out all night walking around town..crying..stressed..angry" I added barely above a whisper.

"What?" she asked worried.

"No, I wasn't up writing" I shouted with my eyes closed. "He refused to work with me!" I added. "And right now I don't even want to think about writing anything right now, I'm just done with it" I told her shaking her head.

"Jacob, you don't mean that! Writing is your life" she told me.

"No it isn' least not anymore" I grumbled. I snatched my book bag up and my tape recorder. "I'm leaving" I shouted as I ran toward the door. "JACOB GET OVER HERE!" she shouted after me. I rolled my eyes and kept going forward.

- - -

Rayan P.O.V

"I don't think what I was wrong at all" I shrugged.

"Rayan, that was pretty rude. You could have simply just told them you didn't appreciate-"

"Richard, you don't understand!" I shouted. "That notebook IS MY LIFE! I was on the verge of freaking out because I didn't find it! How would you react to something you love stolen?" I asked him.

As soon as I said that Richard squinted his eyes at me. I burst out in laughter when he looked . I had forgot his girlfriend was cheating on him and he found out. "Fuck you" he mumbled as he got up from his bed and started walking towards the door.

"Really? Are you about to leave me?" I asked as I got up from the bed. "I'm not done ranting".

"Well call somebody who cares..oh yeah you have NOBODY who cares because your so fucking rude and disrespectful" he snapped.

"Your just bitching because you couldn't keep your girlfriend excited enough she had to sneak off to somebody else" I replied with a smirk. He shook his head and stormed out the room.

I'm not rude and I?

"Rayan ain't nothin' wrong with you" I said to myself as I laid back into my bed. "Or am I mean?" I asked myself. A knock at the door broke my chain of thought. "Coming" I called out as I climbed out of bed. To my surprise, I seen a girl at the door.

"Uh, I think you have the wrong room" I said as I started to close the door. She placed her palm on the door and pushed it back open. She was pretty strong.

"No, I have the correct room. You're Rayan..but you like to be called Flow, correct?" she asked me. I slowly nodded. "Great! Now can I come in? I need to talk to you" she smiled. "Uh, come right on in?" I said, opening the door. She smiled and slowly made her way in here and took a seat on my chair. "You know me, but I don't know you" I said as I closed my door.

"I'm Ariana, nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too, I guess" I answered.

"So I'm pretty sure you've meet my friend, Jacob before" she mumbled, rubbing her neck. "Yeah" I growled remembering Jacob and I encounters.

"He really, really, really needs your help, Rayan" she said sounding desperate.

"Why should I help him when he yelled at me, fought me AND gave me community service?" I snapped.

"Look, Jacob is really sorry for what he did. I mean, if you look at his face after he's done something you can see that he's guilty and sorry" she smiled. "The only time I'll look at his face is after I finished fucking it up" I replied. 

"I'm pretty sure you fucked it up when you threw BOILING HOT COFFEE AT HIS FACE!" she screamed. She cleared her throat and flipped her hair back. "I can to talk, not scream. I apologize, Rayan".

I shrugged. "Whatever"

"But come on he really needs you. Out of all those submissions Jacob loved yours! We asked him if he was sure about that and he said yes! Doesn't that tell you something?" she asked me. I shrugged once again. "Whatever."

Ariana sighed and closed her eyes. "Look, after you told Jacob you weren't working with him he came back to us heartbroken saying he'll never write again. He said you were the missing puzzle piece in his next story. Once he lost that piece..he lost the other half" Ariana informed me. I looked awaya from her and clenched my jaw.

"If anyone knows Jacob he goes crazy if he doesn't think of something to write after her finishes a book of his. Well, it's been a minute since he wrote his last story and Jacob is going crazy...crazy as in stressed out." she sighed. "Look, I don't know about you but I hate seeing my best friend or anyone in general stressed out."

I looked back at her sad, worried face.

"Look it's just a book. It isn't that deep"

"Says the person who was willing to search all over New York to find his notebook of poems" she said with a sneaky smirk. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM" I snapped pointing at the door.

"GLADLY" she snapped back and stormed out of my room, slamming the door behind her.

I swear, I hate Jacob and his little group of friends.

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