Chapter Twenty

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Jacob P.O.V

"We're almost thereeee" Justin dragged on. I stopped looking out of the window and slowly turned my head toward Justin. "Justin, I'm 17, not 7 years old" I said with an annoyed voice. "Stop talking like that" I added.

"Just trying to lighten mood, damn" Justin grumbled as he continued to drive. If you couldn't tell now, I wasn't excited to see my mom. I knew as soon as we walk into that house she was going to start some stuff me. 

Justin started driving slower as he looked around for Mom's house. I gulped hard and started feeling nauseous. I pulled down the passenger side mirror and looked at my face in complete terror. I was pale as a ghost.

"JACOB? What's up with your face?"  Justin asked in shock.

"Ahh, nothing just a little..uh yeah" I said running my fingers through my hair. Justin pulled into Mom's driveway and parked the car. He sighed and looked over at me. "Jacob, it's nothing to be worried about. You and Ma should get along fine--not perfect--but fine" he said with a reassuring smile.  I sighed and replied "Ok" to Justin. We climbed out of the car and grabbed our bags since we we're staying with her for a bit.

I looked around at all the houses on the street. I haven't been on this side of New York in forever, I had forgot it had just homes and no apartments and such.

We started walking up the stairs and stood on the front porch. Justin rung the doorbell as I looked around. This house never felt like "home" after the fired happened. #1 because we lost dad and #2 the whole house partly half of the house had to redone and it just didn't feel right.

We heard  footsteps run toward the door and seen it swing open. "JUSTIN! JACOB!" screamed our younger cousins as they gave us a huge hug. "We haven't seen you guys in forever!" the shouted in unison.

"Yup, it's been a minute little guys" say Justin as he ruffled their little curly afros. "Since we're going to be on this side for a minute we can hang out and have fun" he laughed. The shouted "Yay" and began jumping up a down. Seeing some smiling faces made me feel some what better than I did before.

Justin and I sat our bags down and followed our cousins into the gigantic kitchen filled with family members. Man, I haven't seen these people in forever. It was weird seeing my father side and my mothers side merged together just to see two boys come and be with their mother for a few days.

Everyone jumped up and ran over to Justin and I. Justin and I looked at each other with big eyes. This was going to be a pretty long night.

- - -

"SEE YOU LATER!" I shouted outside the door as waved at the last set of family members pull off into the night. I slowly closed the front door and leaned my head on it. This whole night I've been avoiding my mom. I talked and laughed with everyone else BUT her. Or even when we all came together and talked about old memories, when it was my mom's turn or a story about my mom I left the room or put my headphones. 

"Jacob, could you come here" asked Justin with a serious tone.

"You know I'm kinda tired from tonight, I think I'll just go upstairs and sle-"

"Jacob, NOW" my mother said with anger in her voice. "Damn" I mumbled as I slowly walked into the kitchen. Justin sat at the table and with his head down and my mom sat their with her arms folded across her chest. I took the empty seat next Justin. There was no way in hell I was sitting next to my mom.

"Yes?" I asked with a low tone.

"I wanted to talk to you.." 

"Last time we 'talked' I ended up hurt and moving in with Justin" I said under my breath. 

"Jacob" she started. "I will reach over this table and slap the shit out of you" she said slowly standing up and pointing at me. I swear, my mom is the angriest black woman alive.

"Ma, please come down" Justin said getting out of his chair and making Mom settle down. "You and Jacob need to TALK before YELLING" he said. She nodded her head slowly and just went to sit down. "Jacob, I noticed tonight that you kept avoiding me" she said with a low tone. "Why?"

"I don't know...I guess I just didn't want to be bothered by you" I said looking down at the table. "I just knew if we started talking it would end in a argument or something.." I added scratching my head.

"Ok, I'll let you have that one" my mom mumbled. I nodded at her.

"I asked you to come back home and stay here for a while so we can become close again. I have two sons, but right now it only feels like I have one and I really don't like that." my mom said as she got all teary eyed. She held her hands out on table, basically asking me to hold them, so I did. As soon as I touched her hands.  "Sorry Ma" I mumbled trying not to get emotional myself.

"I'm glad you guys are doing this" Justin smiled. "Dad would-" Justin started to say but then covered his mouth. "Oh yes...that reminded me..Justin said you started having panic attacks again" my mom said as she cleaned her face.

I felt my eyes begin to burn as I looked at Justin and looked back at my mom. 


"It's nothing serious" I said getting out of my seat. I always hated talking to my mom about my panic attacks. 

"Jacob, come on you can talk to me.." she said getting out of her seat too. "NO" I shouted. "I AM FINE! I'll see you guys in the morning" I mumbled and quickly ran up the stairs. I looked at the door on the far left. I slowly walked toward the door and twisted the nob carefully. My breathing picked up when I walked inside of the room.

I looked at all the picture of Me, Justin, mom and last but not

This room used to be my dad "chill zone" as he used to call it. It was filled with pictures of our family, his favorite pictures of himself when he was a child. I walked over to his desk and slowly sat in his favorite chair. I opened one of the draws and looked inside of it. This one was filled with my dad's writing he used to do...probably one of the reasons I love to write.

"What's this?" I asked myself as I pulled out a big black journal. I haven't seen this on before. I flipped it open and began to read.

April 21st 1997

Today at exactly 6:52 pm my beautiful baby boy Jacob A Perez was born. As soon as I saw his big brown eyes look at me I instantly fell in love with  him. As soon as I got to hold him I burst into tears. . I couldn't believe he was actually here, right here in the palm of my hands. I honestly thought Jacob wasn't going to survive when he was born. Teresa was having multiple problems with her health while she was pregnant. Doctors said he might have had serious health problems. But the doctors were completely wrong. My beautiful baby boy, with a crazy head of hair, was actually here with me in my arms. I can't believe it...

I stopped reading that part and flipped the pages to see where it ended. "10 more pages.." I whispered to myself as my eyes began burning. "He loved me so much...and I got and kill him.." I said quietly as the tears trailed down my face. I placed his journal back in the spot he left it and dropped down to the ground with my head in my hands and just cried.

This was going to be a long weekend.

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